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Elsa Peters living a new life in Bulgaria  /  My Diary by Elsa Peters  /  DECEMBER 2012
Posted by: Elsa Peters, December 1, 2012, 8:58pm
Saturday 1st December

White rabbits...forget hairs and I haven't spelled it wrongly.  My host decided to set fire to the kitchen last night with the help of a chip pan and I have spent the day on the wrong end of a j cloth.  Yes we could have been burnt in our beds if we had not noticed the smoke as it drifted under the lounge door so with the help of a fire extinguisher that has left an ash deposit  everywhere but doused the flames.  What excitement.  So he now has cleaned out cupboards, sparkling crockery courtesy of the dishwasher, we have a new window in the kitchen and a new extractor fan.  The motor was still going but the fan had melted.

So what else have I been doing you may ask....sweet fanny adams.  I've just emerged from the bath and my nails are still full of  grime and I need a manicure NOW.  Thinks that since the shops are closed I'll settle for a bottle of the red stuff, get a good night's sleep, finish my packing tomorrow and enjoy lunch with Princess and the lost boys.  Monday is D Day and checking out what has or hasn't taken up residence in BG.....LN...sweet dreams...
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