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Elsa Peters living a new life in Bulgaria  /  My Diary by Elsa Peters  /  JULY 2013
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 1, 2013, 7:34pm
Monday 1st July

Well not so much white rabbits this morning as grey bunnies since the volume of dirt and dust have purveyed the lungs and every other orifice.  So much for cleaning as an occupation.... :-/ :-/

Breakfast was tomatoes on toast and into Djebel by nine to stock up with food for the day, pick up another couple of padlocks and hasps, more black plastic sacks for the rubbish and off we set.  The architect that was due to arrive this morning never did.  I'd actually commented that I guess she knew that it was a Monday...but which the day was down to mundane tasks not planning.

We achieved a lot.  The whole of the upstairs is completely cleared of abandoned school rubbish....certain pictures and other stuff has been put to one side but there was a lot of stuff ready for burning.  We did light a fire but the wind was so skittish that it wasn't safe to do so since there is no hose pipe or water to the property to date.  This will come when the new meter is provided and installed by the water company.

As you can see from the photos a lot of cleaning took place and at five we had had enough and decided to try another route home which was an adventure in itself.  The directions were that we followed the road until the second bridge which we did and having crossed the bridge we followed the road which would lead us to Djebel.  Now this was good but unfortunately the road from the second bridge hadn't been completed so it would have meant going over the river and taking a very serious hill on to the new road which we chickened out at.  So back the way we came and home for about six thirty...showered, shampooed and out to the restaurant by seven thirtyish.  Couple of beers, salad, cheesy chips, chicken and hamburger thingies and home for about nine thirty.  My guest leaves in the morning at seven so the alarms are set and the toast order has already been handed to the breakfast chef....that's if I wake up in time.

So LN.....I'm hoping that the photos post on this one or it will be in the next message...back to sense and sensibility tomorrow,,,LN
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 1, 2013, 7:41pm; Reply: 1
Pictures didn't load so here we go
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 2, 2013, 5:09pm; Reply: 2
Tuesday 2nd July

Must just point out before I go any further...those weren't my feet yesterday....with those I could water ski.

Lovely morning...very gentle and that's what it's been all day.  Not really up to standard for this time of year but where in Europe is it!!!  Up at six fifteen and make enough noise going down the stairs to waken the dead and I did.  I heard movement and so I didn't have to venture back up the stairs with the life saving tea cup....he made his way down just as the kettle had reboiled.  Toaster on....just enough to line the stomach for a four hour drive with one cup only so that he didn't have to stop on the way...quick journey...back into the house and stripped the bed and discarded suitcase banned to the third yet to be bedroom.  No trace of inhabitation and ready for the next....

Felt a little jaded today...we worked exceptionally hard on the school.  He didn't want to go but you have to follow the money these days and he has.  As for me...I just keep hoping for one of my two premium bonds to come up with the big one since the lottery is now unattainable for those living overseas....discrimination...that's what I say,

Over to my student for ten and sat with his mother until two-ish and solved the world's problems.  She's Prime Minister and I'm Head of Security and the Judiciary....NOT....but we'd make a good team.  Home for three and found out that the plans for tomorrow have changed and my Avatar no longer wants me to take her to Momchilgrad so I'm having a day on my own and might even manage to knock up a blind for the Librarian.  Nothing much to do in the garden except fix a handle on the newly delivered Dutch hoe and set about the garden with it and my does it need it.  All this rain promotes the weeds.

Avatar provided my chicken and rice supper this evening and gave me about five tomatoes.  I do ask myself why I grow them and even more so when I removed five cucumbers from the plants tonight....I think they know I don't like them and are on a publicity campaign.

So over to my book tonight tamarisk plants are potted up after developing thumping great roots indoors....might even push the lawnmower over it tomorrow to get rid of the seed's a chill day for me...LN...might as well start now...first glass of red by my left my the mouth...back to the desk....LN
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 3, 2013, 6:43pm; Reply: 3
Wednesday 3rd July

Thoroughly flat day today...had an email that sort of threw me.  Phoned up the Librarian and decided to go over there for lunch and generally chew over the fat and it seemed to work.

The weather has been a little cloudy one minute and clear blue skies the next....we both commented that this is not normal for July but the weather generally in Europe has been rubbish.  Got home at round about eight this evening and two lines of washing safely ensconced but some little birdie has been having a lovely time on my super white quilt cover.....I think I need to fit them all with nappies and it even got the pillow case as well.  Just finished off in the garden when Emaula whistled and he's the only one that whistles me as he walked past the house.  He called in on the way back and invited me to meat and rice on Saturday at his house.  It is the anniversary of the passing of one of his grandparents and out comes the food for the village.

Seemed to have sourced an architect for the school and let's see if this one turns up at the allotted out on the allotted day....It entails another trip over by the owner but I changed the sheets and it is all ready for the next visitor.  Quick glass of wine tonight....not into supper ...just too jumpy....LN
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 4, 2013, 2:44pm; Reply: 4
Thursday 4th July

To the visitors over the pond....Happy Independence day....and for me...every day is an independence day.  Still flat as the proverbial....but printed off the text for this morning for my student and his homework....well part of it was complete.  I get the feeling that his mother and himself had had words this morning.

Worked in the garden this morning trying out the new hoe and it's working a treat.  Did the side garden and got rid of the weeds and had to shower before I went off was very hot out there first thing but the rest of the day has been sunny shade or day with high cloud.  Not usual for this time of year.

Sat with my student's mum for my Bulgarian lesson and decided to go and buy one of the collapsible chairs since I always seem to turf her out of hers in the shop and she manages on a small footstool.  Brought it back, opened it out, sat down and it is now back in its carrying bag and propped up next to their fridge.  Result, ;)

Phoned Gouljan and got her home by three from Djebel...and jumped a mile when a small lizard shot across the table next to the outside tap.  It nestled into the bottom of a plant container and could only see it through the window and the photo is not that good.  By the time I'd moved outside it had gone.  Fresh bread with tuna mayo for a late lunch and that should do me until tomorrow morning.  Intending doing the lawn tonight once the temperature drops and providing I have enough petrol in the mower otherwise it's a job for tomorrow.  Planted up some tamarisk this morning which came on from cuttings and kept in water and I've more to go out of various plants that I've pulled from other people's garden....Down the stairs to clean up the kitchen from late lunch, water the garden and get set into my book again....I'm staying with it but it's not exciting me....I can put it least I've got staying power...
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 5, 2013, 4:37pm; Reply: 5
Friday 5th July

Yet another day when I felt very flat so I decided that action would take my mind off things.  I'd had very vivid dreams and I felt that I was being pinned down and was trying to desperately to bite someone to get free...I felt held in a vice and not the sort of vice that I like not that I see much of it on my little Muslim hillside.

So my task for today should I choose to accept it was to mow the excuse for a lawn provided that the petrol lasted or go as long as it did.  Unfortunately there was enough to do it all so I was absolutely knacked but the time I'd finished but it does look better.  Each time it is done it is getting better and by going over the brambles and the wild plum runners they will eventually give up.  The only bit that needs sorting now is what was the barrier between the two gardens.  I've dug up most of the small bushes but it needs raking over and reseeding to stop it looking like a bombsite.  Job for another day....

So had a haul of five tomatoes and four beetroot today and tonight's task again, should I choose to accept it is boil it and do the necessary with vinegar.  I offered it to my Avatar but once I told her that you had to boil it for an hour....I don't think she could afford the gas to do it.  My treat....let's see if she likes it done the English way!!

So I finished the rest of the tuna for lunch and now I don't feel like eating anything tonight.  Half past seven my time and not a drop has touched my lips so down I go and toss a coin if it's red or beer.  Hard life isn't it..LN
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 6, 2013, 5:01pm; Reply: 6
Saturday 6th July

Finished the beetroot this morning and delivered it to my Avatar's house.  I was greeted by a very sleepy grand-daughter and it was at that point that I remembered that I had an invite to go down to Emula's house where the Hoja was saying prayers for his grandmother that had passed away a couple of months ago.  Not sure what they'll make of's not a veg that they use but I suggested that they have it with meat or potatoes and that in fact it will go with anything.  Straight from my own garden and this year I have loads...last

I should have been there at eleven but didn't make it until eleven twenty and he had already started but I needn't have went on until just after one o'clock and was my bum numb since it was a sit on the floor job.  The men were in one of the rooms with the two Hojas delivering the prayers and my goodness can they sing.  I think they have two so that if the one forgets his place the second one will remember.  There were about fifty women in the room and I really should remember to take a headscarf to these occasions.....I'm the only one without.

Drinks were handed on arrival and it's a very sweet strawberry juice tasting of cloves and that's when you get your serviette to wipe your mouth.  Lunch was rice and meat served on plastic plates that seem to wobble, another juice drink and a square of Turkish Delight.  When it broke up, I was offered even more to take home with me which I had to refuse.  Nice touch...we were given hard boiled sweets and a pair of socks as a present, rather like a goody bag to go home with.  I'm getting to know more of the faces now and again I sat by Remsier and walked my Avatar home carrying her rice bag for her grand-daughter.

Sat in the lounge this afternoon and started the next book in the series and hoping this is better than the last which only seemed to pick up towards the end.  Looked up and noticed a cat leaving the house and realised that the wind must have blown the fly screen open and the blasted thing had got in.  Searched the kitchen but there was nothing about, even the rubbish bag had been emptied last night so nothing for it.

Off to cook supper....I didn't realise what time it was...LN....and I want to see if I can get a translation of the prayers....LN
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 7, 2013, 7:06pm; Reply: 7
Sunday 7th July

Quick update tonight.  Lunch with my student in I've said before they are a super family and mother was so relaxed that she fell asleep this afternoon after lunch.  

Down to see my Librarian tonight.  We've had an afternoon of sewing and stuff.  She has a new blind in the upstairs landing and a curtain in the kitchen.  One of the neighbours saw me on the sewing machine and decided that he had a pair of trousers in need of love and attention.....I reckon the place for them would have been the bin...but he left them just in case either of us could drum up the enthusiasm to fix them.

Supper was a home made shepherd's pie with a drop of the local beer and we are now mellow with another on the go.  Hard life out here.....we'll both be taking to our virginal couches soon...she has a trip to Sofia on Tuesday to pick up her family over for a holiday.  So I'll say LN...student in the morning...I need my beauty sleep...LN
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 8, 2013, 6:51pm; Reply: 8
Monday 8th July

Slept until five thirty at the Librarians to be woken by a puppy crying in the yard.  It had found its way there the previous night and she had told me about it and believes that the mother left it there while she went scavenging in the village....and this is Bulgaria.  There is not the same regard for animals here and dogs get dumped at the local wells where people stop to collect spring water hopefully that they will find a home at least.  It can be heart wrenching but fortunately I haven't given in yet despite lots of encouragement from several friends who shall remain nameless.  

So up and about early and had finished breakfast by seven thirty.  I'd tried to phone my student to reschedule today for tomorrow so that I could give my Librarian a hand with the house since she is off to Sofia on the airport run tomorrow.  Had my phone in my pocket and inadvertently phoned another of my friends at what would be seven thirty for her and all she could hear was that I'd taken the shoes out of the washing machine.  I noticed that I'd made the call after the balance remaining on the phone was displayed and I immediately phoned her again, apologised for the alarm call but it was good to catch up all be it early.

So the rest of the day I was on the wrong end again of mops and brooms but we sat down at the end of a very long day and congratulated each other on a splendid achievement.  She walked with me to the car, had a hug and back to a beautiful evening despite the thunder rattling around earlier.  I watered the garden, repotted the Hibiscus since it seemed to have had a bashing in the wind that we've had lately and now about to find something to eat.  Tired but happy that we had such a good day...LN....that's what friends are for...LN
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 9, 2013, 5:24pm; Reply: 9
Tuesday 9th July

Up at the crack of this morning and out in the garden pegging out washing done overnight at cheap rate electricity.  Looked at the uneven ground between the two gardens so tackled it and most of it is now fairly level.  Got the mower going and got rid of the brambles and the small new wild prune suckers and carried on and did the rest of the grass.  By eight thirty this morning I was hoping that the mower would run out of fuel but no....I turned it off in the end but jobs-a guddun so to speak.

Came in at nine and showered, printed off a text for my student to be greeted by the boy brandishing a toy lightsaber belonging to his three year old brother and challenged as to why I didn't turn up yesterday.  He told me that he had tried out his new football boots yesterday and I told him that they needed a clean which he promptly did.  He answered all the questions that I asked him about the previous weeks text...such a bright boy.

Took the car down to the garage so they could investigate a noise from the back axle.  Done and dusted and new 'tampons' or rubber bungs fitted to the shocks and the cost for this work...twenty leva.  Back to the shop and spent time with my student's mother and then home James via the supermarket.  Sandwiches for a late lunch then I felt the need to get my head down so took to my bed to be awakened by a very insistent telephone.  Spent an hour on the phone in a very drowsy state....not about to shower to freshen up.  It was cloudy this morning...thundery this afternoon but now the sky has cleared and the air appears much fresher.  Time for a beer me thinks....but after the shower....then back to my book and chill for the evening.  I think the last couple of days took it out of me....nothing is planned for the next couple of days apart from getting my cars through the MOTs....LN....I can hear the shower and the beer calling....    
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 10, 2013, 5:33pm; Reply: 10
Wednesday 1oth July

Bloody, bloody sheep...not just one but there must have been thirty at least risking impaling on the barbed wire surrounding the place and the wrath of the English woman.  I managed to keep them away from the vegetable patch though and down the bottom of the garden so the only things that they devoured were the wild plum suckers and the grass that hasn't been subjected to the lawnmower because of the few big rocks down there.  Problem was that it was a hole that only the most intrepid would go for and it meant a hop, skip and a jump against the barbed wire and that's not so bad coming in but going out you've got the assaulting crowd and there are some big ones at the back.  But all safely out and tonight I must bridge the gap or they'll all be in tomorrow. :-/ :-/

Missed the dawn this morning...bit of a late start at six thirty.  Had a visit from my Avatar with one of the local workmen asking me if I wanted to sell my old roof tiles.  The answer was 'no' but he wouldn't come into the garden without he had a chaperone.  Out in the garden and I've cleared the blackberry roots and stamped the ground down getting rid of most of the bank.  .. :-/  It isn't perfect but tomorrow I'll get loads of water on it to settle it down and put some grass seed on it or move some of the grass from the grass seed that's sprouted on another 'once was bare' patch.  All go in this neck of the woods. ;)

Got an invite out for supper tonight but unfortunately it came after I'd sunk a couple of beers because it was so hot working outside so couldn't go out to play tonight.  Rearranged for tomorrow night and it might even entail a night away so all the more reason to get the fence fixed...while the cat's away...I don't want those sheep to play.

Picked a few more tomatoes and it looks like breakfast is going to be tomatoes on toast for the foreseeable future.  They seem to be coming thick and fast and I only got twenty plants.  No wonder my neighbours are always offering me some...So down to the kitchen...not sure if I want food or not...I'll leave it a little while and see how I feel later.  It looks like the weather has settled at long last so it will be morning duties, siesta, afternoon duties and early nights....Off for a shower...need to feel clean after a day of digging and ripping out roots...LN....good days work.... ;)
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 11, 2013, 3:40pm; Reply: 11
Thursday 11th July

Gardening early and over to my students carrying Gouljan as a passenger.  Apparently they have the world and all its friends staying and she was looking for a quiet place to be...and my car was it.  Rushed into my student and we did the lesson, down to sit with his mother in the shop and it suddenly hit me that I didn't remember switching the car lights off.  As I left the shop I told her that I would probably be back and sure enough, opened the door with the key but the other doors were reluctant to open and my other brain kicked in.  So back to the shop and she telephoned her husband and up he came to the carpark and using my jump leads, ready for any emergencies, he got me going in quicksticks.

So I had a shower, washed my hair ready to head off to the Librarians at about four but Gouljan appeared looking absolutely shattered, asked if she could have a nap and I promptly stuck in the bottom bedroom while I filled in the gap with gardening and a bonfire .  All my preparations were a waste of time so off she went at six, made my phone call and now I'm ready to leave.

Tonight's agenda has not been set in stone...chicken wings in sauce and salad stuff with the family or I might even suggest we leg it down to the motel at the bottom of the road.  I'll see how we feel when I get there.  Enough for now....tomorrow we might be off to Zlatograd and round the tourist shops for the my car for a pleasant evening with friends...LN
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 12, 2013, 6:49pm; Reply: 12
Friday 12th July

Lovely evening last night with the family and sat out until the mosquitoes drove me inside.  I'm still unsure of the use of these things on the planet!!

Breakfast of toast and marmalade and we were ready for the delights of Zlatograd by about half nine so into the back of the jeep I went when there were tow men from the village who wanted to go into Benkovski for the Friday prayers at the mosque.  It's special's the first week of Ramadan and everyone is watching everybody else to see who breaks the dawn until dusk fast.  Found a few new clothes in a couple of shops, got a new suitcase for the English short break, and sourced and had minced up for me a kilo and a half of decent beef.  Problem is when you buy it from the supermarkets it is of mixed meats and I think that most of the beast is put into it...but in this case I saw the meat and watched it being minced and it worked out at about fifteen leva a kilo.  Slightly more expensive but the taste was superb and was proved tonight.

So off we went to visit the church just before the Greek border and noticed that a couple of camper vans were turned back at the border control and we could only presume that they were too wide for the road.  It's very twisty and turny and not very wide going over the mountain pass but what a disappointment for them if they had travelled there especially to cross over.  Clouded over a little and there was a hint of rain but the heavens opened when we got back down to Zlatograd and it continued until I left for home at roughly eight tonight after a super spaghetti bolognaise supper. My Avatar was waiting for me, wondered where I had been since I didn't have time to tell her where I was going this time, and she informed me that a friend of Bekir's had stopped by to take photos of the house so I must make enquiries tomorrow.

Looks like I have guests again next weekend but that means that I shall have a lift to the airport and meet up with the rest of the travellers before the flight.  It's approaching very quickly!!  So ready for getting my head down.....settees are alright for sleeping on but noting compares with the feel of your own bed...LN....rain has stopped and hoping that it stays away for the rest of their holiday...LN

Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 13, 2013, 9:07pm; Reply: 13
Saturday 13th July

Well I've just come in from a barbeque down by a lake and it would have been beautiful if the weather had been warmer.  We lit a fire, toasted the front and turned to toast the back by which time the front was cold again.  Where have our summer evenings gone??  The men and boys were fishing but it's a good job we took plenty of food otherwise we would have gone very hungry.  The two three year olds thought it was great fun to play with the two small fish that were managed to be landed but needed a miracle fo feed the eleven of us.

As for the rest of the day...out to Kardjali shopping and it was hot, hot, hot.  Ended up at Lidl getting the stuff that was needed to feed my student and his family but it was a bit of a strange one since we hadn't made a firm commitment for tonight, I didn't phone them to put pressure on because they both work all week and are stretched but they phoned me at six thirty and suggested the barbecue so the potato salad and coleslaw plus the honey baked chicken wings with potatoes and onions were dropped into the frying pan and transported to the site.  As I said, really calm night but it needed to be warmer.

So I'm home's just after twelve my time and I'm ready for bed with a drink in one hand and my kindle in the other.  I reckon it will take about ten minutes tonight to be in dream land.  So LN...let's hope it's warmer tomorrow...
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 14, 2013, 6:49pm; Reply: 14
Sunday 14th July

Crazy day, crazy day.  I think I met myself coming forward and missed myself going backwards.  Woke up at five thirty, cleared up the kitchen and washed up the barbeque stuff, read for a while and then back to sleep for an hour or so, coffee, toast and on to the computer with a wicked sudoku.  Next thing I know it's my Gouldjan reminding me that she is using my house as a think tank to get some of her school stuff put to bed and I checked the time...nine thirty and she'll be here in half an hour.  At this point I realise that I'm still in night attire so jump to and ready for the arrival and she comes bearing gifts namely her home-made bread, cheese, tomatoes and peppers.

Late for my student...didn't get there until ten thirty but dropped off the suitcase for my other student so he could work out what clothes he is taking when we head for England next month.  Knowing him it will probably be packed, unpacked and repacked several times before we go but I'd rather he has it early.  I told him that the suitcase was a gift and his mother phoned me and said that he couldn't take it because it was new...scratch head...and tell her that he can.

So arrived at my other student's house and the family are ready with a picnic and we head off in beauty complete with axe and foodstuffs to a stream above the hot springs in Djebel.  Now the shoes I'm wearing are not on for galloping over rocky mountain beds and the shorts not suitable for the hundreds of flies that insist on landing on fairly cool skin instead of hot chicken wings......but it turned out OK.  

Back home for three thirty and Gouldjan is lying in the lounge recovering from a morning slaving over a hot computer.  She informed me that she had about another twenty minutes work to do, made her way upstairs, completed it then said fond farewells while I lay down to read my book and the outcome was that I didn't wake up until seven thirty.  Zonked....watered the garden, planted some pinks that were looking decidedly brown, no supper for me, I'm still full from lunch so a little drink and then bed.  Beautiful sunset tonight and as per normal...forgot my camera to take shots of the picnic site but they are going to send them over for me but as to yet...they've not arrived.

So full day to day...I think England will be a rest for eight days, then back here to fly out again with my student for fifteen days....better get a few early nights's almost ten here already so this won't be one of them...LN
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 15, 2013, 5:28pm; Reply: 15
Monday 15th July

Early morning start, the sunrise was hidden by the clouds but they burnt off really well and it turned into a very hot day.  Student this morning and the text was about the collapse of the bee hives as we know them and how the super killer bee came into existence.  I like texts with a punch line to them.  So then we did further research on you tube and came up with a National Geographic documentary lasting for fifty minutes explaining it in detail so the lesson was extended but now we could write an essay on it...both if us.... ;)  I'd dropped the suitcase off for him yesterday morning and asked him what he thought of it.  He said it was great fun.  He was pushing his little brother around in it yesterday so a successful purchase had been made.

Down to talk to his mother,  She was busy in the shop so I quickly told her that I was going into Kardjali with Gouldjan and she was going to be the translator when I went to try to MOT Beauty in case there was a problem with having no tax documents.  We tracked down the original owner and we are going to the solicitors on Wednesday morning to sort it.  I've got a bet on with myself that he doesn't turn up at nine a.m. as arrange.  We'll see. :-/ :-/

Off to Kardjali.  Gouldjan went to chew a strip off her dressmaker that had had the material for four months and kept promising completion.  The material was still as handed over and not even cut to pattern so she took it back and at one point the conversation seemed to get quite animated, so much so that I didn't dare ask.  We grabbed pizza for lunch, into the new 'Superdrug' type place and picked up a few things for holidays and into our favourite leva shop for a few things that neither of us could do without.  The pizza is sitting heavy so no food for me tonight.   A little beer to wash down the other and plans made for a visit to the solicitors tomorrow with the Librarian and her family and lunch at a nearby hotel in Momchilgrad so swimming gear is the order of the day.

Lovely night tonight without a cloud in the sky...let's hope that it stays that way.  LN....Garden watered and I'm going to take my book outside for an hour or so...LN...have a wonderful evening in England's heatwave....
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 16, 2013, 5:32pm; Reply: 16
Tuesday 16th July

Early morning and beautiful sunrise though tinged with clouds.  Scurried round a bit, shower, shampoo and shave of the legs.  I had work to do in Momchilgrad with the Librarian and then a trip round the market was arranged, lunch and a swim at one of the local hotels.

The solicitor stuff was lost in the translation so we had to get a translator and this slowed the morning up a little but the trip round the market was very profitable and I managed to pick up another couple of the lightweight bed quilts the same as the one that I got in Benkovski market.  Back into the jeep and over to the hotel and lunch just kept, chicken, salads and cheesy chips along with beer and because I wasn't driving I could relax.  Lunch over we moved to the swimming pool and though it was cold to get in I was in there for about an hours and swam for most of it.  It's something I really enjoy doing and should do more of it and that pool is big enough to get stuck in.  

Back home for six thirty and coffee and tea all round for my guests and a whistle stop tour of the house.  They are back on Friday or Saturday for a meal with all the trimmings.  Clouds have come over again and it is the worst summer that I have had in the years I have been here.  The wind blowing round the pool this afternoon was quite cool when the clouds whizzed over and there is a cool breeze now.  I was going to sit outside and read but the lounge's much more comfortable without the wind blowing round the Urals.  Eight thirty...time to get stuck into my book...LN....I feel really chilled out after a day in the pool and sun...LN
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 17, 2013, 3:59pm; Reply: 17
Wednesday 17th July

Awake at five thirty and out doing my stuff in the garden at six.  Took out all the grass from the top garden and realised that no way is anything really going to survive in it unless I get loads of cow or sheep droppings to pad out the soil.  A job for this winter me thinks.  So having worked up a sweat I looked at the clock and it was only seven thirty....quick shower and then this morning it was to go to meet up with the man who originally owned Beauty to sort out the ownership.  I know that I bought it from the garage but it was originally registered to his mother as a disabled vehicle so that they didn't pay road tax or local tax but she's since popper her clogs and no way can I get to pay tax on it.  Apparently lots of rules were broken at one time but I want to be legal and have no one knocking on my door.  So off we went to the solicitors...I'd had a bet on with my student's mum that the man wouldn't turn up since I've made arrangements with him before but there he was with his boots blacked....and the advice was that he had to see the local Kmet in his original village and with his father and sisters he had to go back to the solicitors and sign a document that declares that it's his vehicle to sell and then he can officially sell it to me...three years later.  I can then go to KAT and have it registered in my name, new documents will be issued and's probably ready for the scrap heap...but at least it's mine to do what I want with. ;) ;)

Went back to the shop and spent an hour with my student's mother and then back home.  Messed around for a while and picked up my book but realised that I wasn't going to make it until the end of the chapter so at one thirty took to my bed and woke up at five thirty.....not so much a waste of an afternoon....the weather has been cloudy/sunny and threatening rain which didn't happen so I've water the garden since most of the plants look like they need a good drink and are wind blown.

Chicken wings in the oven and browning up I'm thinking that there are a few chippies in the making tonight....LN....I'd departing to the kitchen ...for a gastronomic delight.... :) :)
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 18, 2013, 5:52pm; Reply: 18
Thursday 18th July

Silly night's sleep.  Yesterday's long sleep meant that last night's was very disturbed.  Bed at ten and awake at twelve, back to sleep and awake at three and finally awake at four thirty and so out with the book and up and at it at just before six.  Pegged out the washing at just after six and onto the pc to do emails and the likes.  Comments have been made about how early I was on but that means that most of my friends were arriving home at that time :-/ :-/

Student's reading was about Robin Hood and then we moved onto the Disney version on the laptop and it sort of knocked mine into a cocked hat so to speak.  Sat with his mother and discussed various things and then into Kardjali to take the bull by the horns and MOT Beauty.  I was sitting sorting out the paperwork when the guy who runs the place came out and shook my hand through the side window, I handed him the documents and he tore up the ones that weren't necessary and handed the ones that were to his assistant.  He now has two where he used to do it all...times move on.  So the sticker was put on the windscreen straight away passing the vehicle, the brakes were checked and the emissions and I'm told that everything is normal and I'm out from start to finish in fifteen minutes at a cost of thirty five leva.  I'm not sure what they check but it passed and that's all that I'm worried about.

So driving back and I get a phone call from Gouljan asking if I can pick up her, her sister and her nephew in Djebel on my way through.  Mission accomplished and they were delivered to the end of their drive...

Remains of yesterday's chicken wings for supper but not so nice when they are cold.  Star Mush daughter is cleaning out the old house today and there have been lots of trips with the wheelbarrow up to the communal dumping ground.  Not sure if it is legal but the stuff was set fire to by the legitimate village it must be.

I've just come in from reading and am back outside when I've finished the update.  It's such a pleasant evening to sit and enjoy the solitude before I'm off to the UK on Tuesday.  Copied and laminated my student's passport so that we have a copy should the worst happen...belt and bracers to the fore.  So LN....I'm back outside with a little mastika....or ouzo if we are in Greek land....LN....I'm feeling very chilled... ;) ;)
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 19, 2013, 4:47pm; Reply: 19
Friday 19th July

Stupid night....because I had a sleep in the afternoon there was no sleep in me and I think it was every hour on the hour.  Eventually got up at five thirty and started the day.

Washing out nice and early.....sorted out the copies of the passport and laminated it just in case there are any hiccups or a passport is lost...goodness forbid but you never know.  Out to the garage and sorted out the insurance for the Beast realising that I had one day left on the old one but before I took it in to be MOT'd....I wanted the next instalment so to speak.  Registering the insurance there was a question...'do you want to take the car out of Bulgaria?' and by selecting 'yes' the insurance went up by two thousand leva....eekkks...I'll go for the Green Card later which costs seventy five leva....doesn't make sense.

So got the Beast washed and spruced up for it's MOT and into Kardjali to my other favourite garage and it sailed through...everything normal just like yesterday.  I got a kiss on the hand again from the owner of the garage so I thanked him, asked him after his camper van that I knew he had and he showed me the original complete with homing pigeons but then pointed out the other one.  I asked him if he took it to Greece but he replied that he goes to Turkey.

Did a little shopping in Kardjali and home for about three.  Washed a couple of pairs of trousers that I bought in my cheap shop and had a visit from Star Mush's daughter so we chatted for a while. she took a few seeds from my targates and off she went.  Gouldjan was the next visitor telling me that one of her relatives from the next village has committed's all go here.  

I'd just finished cooking supper when I heard lots of noise from next door and they have the surveyors in probably producing plans of the property for probate purposes.  I did ask the daughter if she was selling but I think she might want to get some windows in and use it as her home here.  She complained about Bursa being very busy. not mush space and I get the feeling that she is no longer with her husband....just a feeling.

So supper over...tomorrow I have my Librarian and family over for lunch and I think it might be a picnic down by the lake at the bottom of the village...I have a barbecue and charcoal so why not.  Beautiful evening, not a cloud in the sky so out I go with my book, my glass for the next hour or's better than sitting here.... ;) ;)
Posted by: MikeyB, July 19, 2013, 9:16pm; Reply: 20
I can't believe that rust bucket of a bus stop hasn't been painted yet!  :P
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 20, 2013, 5:02pm; Reply: 21
Saturday 20th July

Neither can I Mikey B but having said that I've badgered both political parties and now I think they are seeing who can get the price at a discount.  I shall eventually paint it myself I know with psychedelic paint and let them worry about it....hahaha.  And I'm taking it that my invitation is still in the post.... ;)

Busy day.  My morning started at five thirty by taking in last night's washing, digging over the little house flower bed and removing the weeds, firing up the lawn mower and using it until it ran out of fuel and it was still only seven thirty.  I felt like I'd done a day already.  Guests today so I peeled loads of potatoes for potato salad, onions and carrots and shredded a cabbage that was gong to be coleslaw but I never put it all together since one of my guests had an egg allergy and I thought that it would be better if I left it as single ingredients and she could please herself.  Dug up some beetroot and boiled it and it is delicious...picked tomatoes and a cucumber so nice and fresh from my own garden.    Way to go....

Guests arrived at ten thirty...Librarian's car into the garage for a brake problem and I did the chauffeuring.  Guests made themselves at home..tea coffees, etc and I carried on with the lunch when we came back and we had chicken wings, sweet and sour pork and spicey sausage fried off with onions.  Food to die for but let's hope they don't.  We started off outside but then I had issues with the flied and so moved the table into the hall and there was plenty of room and food.  Finished off with melon and the remains of the pineapple from the sweet and sour with cream.....nice day.

Back to the garage to pick up the car at three and it has to go back on Wednesday for new disks on the front but the brakes are much better than they were.  Sat around for the afternoon selecting sun or shade as was the preference and went of to Studen Kladenets lake further up my village for a walk and a sit down by the water.  

Now I must think of other visitor arrives at midnight tonight and busy day tomorrow with architects and translator with Gouldjan filling the bill nicely.  Kitchen tidy and furniture back where it should be....I've had a lovely day and I'm on the same plane as most of my guests on Tuesday....we'll say fond farewells at Gatwick....LN
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 21, 2013, 6:08pm; Reply: 22
Sunday 21st July

Well Sunday is supposed to be my day of rest but it has been far from that.  Last night I sat out waiting for my guest to arrive on the evening flight into Sofia and driving down.  It was a beautiful moon but it was about one when he arrived.  We chatted for a while, off to my virtuous couch and awoke this morning at six thirty so straight out into the garden with the hose pipe, cup of coffee and our day began at about eight.  Breakfast of tomatoes on toast and into the car by nine twenty to pick up Gouldjan as an interpreter for the day.  Lunch in Momchilgrad, architects arrived late but they achieved a lot and quotes worked out over supper in a restaurant.  

Gouldjan safely returned to home and another beer underway to aid the decision process but thank goodness they are not mine to make but it did take me back a bit.  Tomorrow looks like being busy too and I really must think about packing a suitcase for the UK be it only a small one.  After all I have loads of clothes there even though some are stored at my daughters ;) ;)

Thunderstorm today and no need to water the garden tonight.....rain clouds hanging over the let's hope it picks up for tomorrow....LN
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 22, 2013, 6:31pm; Reply: 23
Monday 22nd July

What a manic day today.  Started at four thirty when the battery on my phone started to wind down and the blasted thing started bleating at me.  So lights on low not to upset my guest but managed to find the end of the appropriate charger and job was a guddun.  Played a bit of DS and read for a while but then up at six generally pottering and moving plants around so that my Avatar didn't have to worry too much about watering the things while I am in England.

So England my England for eight days and I'm leaving at six in the morning so it's a bit of a rush to the finishing post.  I'm leaving with my guest since he is on the flight to Manchester and me to Gatwick and Sofia here we come.

Today everything was cooking on gas.  He has brought a property here as you may have gathered and we got the forms completed for the electricity....had a survey by the waterboard for his inlet pipe and that is arranged, went to see the office that sold him the property in Momchilgrad and found out phone numbers to hand to the architect, opened a bank account and bought him a sim card for when he is over here...And all that by lunchtime.  Picked up Gouldjan and her sister from Djebel and deposited them at their house by three thirty and then it was time to relax.  I've still to do my packing but supper is over and the kitchen finished and toilets cleaned ready for leaving the place for eight days,

So now it is time to head to the bedroom and start sorting 'stuff'.  Such a beautiful full moon tonight and my guest has taken lots of photos but no time tonight to get them from his camera and on to my computer...I'm cooking on gas and all systems are go.  LN...the next update will be from the it's goodnight from me...LN
Posted by: 38714 (Guest), July 22, 2013, 8:08pm; Reply: 24
So excited for you. Have a great trip!

Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 23, 2013, 9:06pm; Reply: 25
Tuesday 23rd July

Slept really badly waiting for the alarm...and I beat it.  Got out of bed just before five this morning, had a shower, dressed for the flight back and made enough noise so that I woke up the guest and it was fighting for space in the kitchen for the morning brew.  So we left at six this morning and we were at the airport for just before nine....I'm sure that journey gets less the more times that you do it but it's a beautiful run through Assenograd and over the mountain pass.  Met up with the Librarian at the airport since her visitors were leaving this morning, boarded on time and said farewells to my visitor since he was on the Manchester flight and hour after mine.  

One thirty arrival in Gatwick and I'd booked seat 7c with easyJet but fortunately no one had booked 7a or 7b so I had the whole row to myself and stretched out.  Unfortunately I hadn't got a big enough jumper to put over the armrest to make it comfortable but I dog dozed, dropped the kindle on the floor a few times...but managed to stay awake for most of it.  Arrived promptly in Gatwick, over to the south terminal and to the railo station and onto the two ish and down home.  Got picked up in Brighton, got stuck into sorting out the debris and got boxes together for Princess to take what she wants from or to throw.  Another whole day of sorting tomorrow and I shall be fine.

Thanks Chris...I hope I have time to relax and enjoy.  This trip is rather emotional and cathartic....but needs to be done. When I come back with my student on the 7th August...all will be resolved...hopefully.  Goods and chattels that need to move on should be gone,,,,,and the rest to chriay shops....that onlyoperate wem the sun is shining...LN

So supper was chicken with roasties, I managed to find a bottle of cider in Lidls that was looking very lonely on the shelf........and now the bottle is looking a little worse for wear.

LN...I've lost a couple of hours today in the flight timetables so I'm early to bed and I should be up at four this morning with a determination to do everything....LN....I hope you all have a reasonable sleep...
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 24, 2013, 8:47am; Reply: 26
Wednesday 24th July

I was was four thirty when I woke up and got into action trying not to wake anyone else up.  Now the last time I was over I tried hard to find my duffle coat and I searched everywhere.....and this morning I found a box of my stuff that had been stored and on the box duffle coat and others.  Now it's not in my handwriting so it wasn't me.....and the other person is just not owning up to it at the present time so I need to get the assistance of a handwriting specialist.... ;) ;)  

So back to work with a J-cloth and bowl...a woman's work is never done... :-/  Catch you later....
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 25, 2013, 6:23am; Reply: 27
Thursday 25th July

What a night...I was hopping around at various times with cramp of all things in both legs.  Three times out of bed and worse than I have ever had it before.  Six thirty wake up and there is just a little more to do on the upstairs before I'm off with my daughter buying the final gastronomic delights for the camping expedition.  Now I've not done this for a long time so I'm wondering if I have to pack the salt cellar for the slugs and snails that have a habbit of finding refuge on the outside of the tent overnight.  Not my favourite species of wild life.  Asked my daughter what to pack....we're apparently walking to Bodium Castle on one outing but I failed to ask how far it was from the campsite....must remember to drop that in round the cans of baked beans this morning.

So have one good bag for the local charity shop out of yesterdays clear huge bag for the tip and the paper recycling is nearly full.  It was strange for me normal is to stick it in a bag and go to my burning pit on the hillside and just get rid of it...England my my Bulgaria has a better ring to it....

Now to start the day....
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 25, 2013, 8:31pm; Reply: 28
Thursday continued

Out with my daughter shopping and we were both wearing the same coloured tops which was a surprise for both of us.  It was like rolling back the clock as we pulled into Asda carpark but I was shocked at how rude and self centred a lot of the people seemed to be.  I have been out of it for a while but the fervour with which some rammed the trolleys round the aisles had to be seen to be believed.  We left with our camping supplies and went over to Newhaven to Halfords to complete the list and then back to her home to see my grandson who has shot up in the last six months and is now a head taller than I am.  I had to stand on tiptoes to cuddle him and I'm not sure who was cuddling who.... ;)  

So tomorrow morning we have set nine thirty as the deadline but the umbrellas have been packed already.  Saturday is supposed to be the worst day weather wise with extreme warnings so I've charged up both camera batteries...there might be some good shots to be had.  Home now and bed calls.  I've had a nap in front of the tv already and at nine thirty my time I don't think I can stay awake any longer.  I'm not used to watching a square or rectangular thing in the corner.....I don't have tv at home and now I know why.  Off to bed with the kindle....just a quieter way of living...LN
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 26, 2013, 8:27am; Reply: 29
Friday 26th July

Packed for camping and taking my camera and laptop in the hope that I can get something reported over the next few days....if not bear with me.....updates will be as and when.  May be the weather will be kind but if not we'll just have to hit the supplies instead of going out for them....enjoy your weekends...mine is starting in about five minutes...
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 29, 2013, 11:10am; Reply: 30
Monday 29th July

I'm back....a little damp but otherwise in fine form.  Photos to follow.....
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 30, 2013, 3:49pm; Reply: 31
Tuesday 30th July

So the flight is for tomorrow morning...and I start the swift turnaround to come back the following Wednesday.  I'm packing all of the things that I need to take like a new metal outside candle lantern that I felt I couldn't live without and a packet of real Bisto. :-/

As for the photos...I've realised that I can't put my hand on the cable to connect the camera to the laptop and it seems that it has all gone ladies' anatomy skywards in the photo department from my camping.  It was really enjoyable...I got sun burnt on the first day, rusty on the second as we huddled under the canopy, dried out on the third day and packed on the fourth.  Generally not a lot of alcohol...I obeyed all the tent rules in that the KamaKarsi was only to be used in the hours of darkness but it really foxed me the first night as the door was double bonded and I couldn't get out so had to bend the rule the first day.  After that it was fine.

As for Princess and Co.....they don't do 'camping', they do 'glamping' and with fairy lights round really was.

As I said to to do the impossible and pack....updates from BG to follow....
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 31, 2013, 4:12pm; Reply: 32
Wednesday 31st July

I'm home.   Very early start and slept with the light on and my phone alarm and radio alarm both set to be ready for the taxi at 4.00a.m.  What a shock to the system.

Taxi on time, check in smooth as you like, into departures by five am and down to the gate in plenty of time despite the long walk. Flight more or less on time and I was first out of the airport since I only had carry on luggage.  Over to the bus station by taxi for eleven thirty, on to the bus for Kardjali by eleven forty five and off we set at twelve noon.  Into Kardjali by three thirty, straight on to the bus for Djebel, into my student's parents shop for a catch up and off to get the five thirty bus to Dushinkovo.  Apparently since there were only four people for the bus we went by car for the same price as the bus fare...result.

Unpacked, washing done, raining with a few huge claps of thunder but it's all cleared away now and is a pleasant evening.  The garden looks to be OK and most of the plants have survived.  Tomorrow over to my student's parents to complete the passenger details ready for the return trip next wednesday.  How do I feel?  Very successful trip, achieved most of what I wanted to do and looking forward to the next.
Posted by: Elsa Peters, July 31, 2013, 4:37pm; Reply: 33
And a few more for luck

And a big thank you to Princess and co for a wonderful time...xxxx
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