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JUNE 2012
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Elsa Peters
June 8, 2012, 5:55pm Report to Moderator

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Friday 8th June

Early start, out to the garden and was already pulling up roots by seven of the clock...nice cool morning air and they were coming out as easy as pie until I spotted this one.  It had been scythed down yesterday by my grim reaper and I finished the job this morning.  The ground is so wet and I am into the water table and out they sloosh...apart from this one.  I had to really dig deep and tug hard and eventually it slid out...and what a beauty it was.  I didn't measure it and it is no real competition but the satisfaction of removing such a whopper is ...well no words for it.

Dug up zinnia from my nursery garden and marigolds from the pathways and put them in a bucket with the rest of the Gouljan mum's biggies.  Had a shower, washed my hair and I was in the car at about ten thirty, delivered the said plants in the bucket to my student's mum, picked up the bread, milk, chicken for the car-less librarians and as a bonus added two litres of wine as a means of sustenance.  It was really appreciated.  Went down with the younger librarian to the town and we discovered that ice creams really hit the spot and stopped off for a coffee.  Back to the library and was amazed to see that they had an owl nesting in the loft who was doing a rekkie over the new chickens that they were incorporating into the flock...One down and don't know how many to go but she has chicks to feed with their chicks...nature will as nature will.

I plundered their garden and came back with pink and blue cornflowers, lily corms, vigorous lavender, and aloe vera plant that must be placed in gritty soil and a busy-lizzie....and I call that a day's work.

It's all in the respective pots apart from the lilies that go in tomorrow and then turned my hand to supper fancying cold chicken with potato salad but when we came to the 'salad' bit I had no mayo so instead fried them off and made a quick sweet chilli sauce to have it with....washing up done, the nest has been demolished and I am on to summer bedding, the washing machine is doing it's stuff and tomorrow I am off to Haskovo with Gouljan for a spot of shopping....LN....the wine lake has been replenished...

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Elsa Peters
June 9, 2012, 6:03pm Report to Moderator

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Saturday 9th June

Silly o'clock start but came too eventually at about five thirty so grabbed a coffee and surveyed the estate.  I didn't go back to bed used my trusty fork to dug out a few more of the dreaded dandelions.  Emails, facebook, CSH website and then on to Freecell to while away the time until I could get down to get my breakfast and sort out a few more things...washing out and dangling...as I said the nest is no more but it is so warm tonight that I timed it right.

Haskovo at 10.00, my fanbelt was making strange noises yesterday so on the way I got the garage to check it out and it is booked in for Tuesday.  I look after my cars so that they will look after me.

Uneventful journey into Haskovo but on the way stopped off at the man that I got the pots from last time.  I bought another two and a half barrel converted ages ago and it now has metal feet and is about thirty centimeters off the ground...He mentioned something to do with lemons but I didn't get the gist of it and Gouljan was too busy trying to get me a discount.  I got a huge pot and a one that I can use as a candle stick and I think that might come inside.

Gouljan had come prepared with a list from her father and we had to find the only lorry parts supplier in Haskovo.  Eventually we got there but the part that they were able to supply only came in a kit so it was back to the drawing board and eventually into the shop where my lawn mower came from.  Today's list was insect destroyers and I managed to pick up three that go into sockets for the house but without having to replace the tablet everyday and two electrocutors for the terrace.  I thrill to the sound of 'pop, pop, as I'm steadily sipping my vino.  Had lunch in the restaurant and went into Metro and were told that we had to have a special card but she let us through this time.  I picked up a 24 pack of toilet rolls for seven pounds ish and that should keep me going and my guests happy.

Did the Lidl shop on the way back....Gouljan home....lit my bonfire to get rid of all of the old grass that is clogging it up, looked at the cold chicken and smelt the curry powder so became creative....fly/insect/mosquito thingies all in action....LN....it's time to tidy the tools up outside and get a drink...LN

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Elsa Peters
June 10, 2012, 6:06pm Report to Moderator

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Sunday 10th June

Early start and worked out in the garden potting up old plants into new compost until I decided that I needed a shower.  It has the makings of another beautiful, hot day.  

I was drying my hair out in the sun at around eleven thirty when the rush started.  Remsia's daughter and grand-daughter came to turn the hay closely followed by Remsier and her husband so I thought it wise to put on a few more clothes than my all in one underwear and medium length shorts out of courtesy.  They were busy so I decided to drop my head forward and brush my hair down wards to dry the underneath and then my Avatar arrived with her nephew who speaks English very well and has a kebab shop in Ipswich and is over for a holiday.  Must be some money in these kebabs...he is over for a month and I gather that his family is over in Turkey...so pleased I put on the extra attire.

He wanted the conducted tour and I apologised for the debris.  Well not really debris but I hadn't made my bed and the washing from yesterday was still waiting to be folded and taken up stairs but...takes me as you find me.

Very hot this afternoon so I settled in with a beer and a book on my activity centre with the sunshade up.  My eye-lids were heading southwards so down went the beer and the book and I headed for the upstairs bedroom and got my head down for a couple of hours and now am benefiting from it.  I might regret it tonight but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

Settled down again with the book and again Remsier was back with the daughter to turn the hay again and they were surprised that I was reading and drinking a beer.  Off they went again only to return with a huge sheet and now the hay is stacked up at the bottom of the garden and tomorrow they'll be round with the donkey and trailer and remove it.  So my task for tomorrow should I choose to accept it is to get the lawn mower out and take it all down to a reasonable length.  Where they cut it down before it has started to grow and needs to be attended to before it gets uncontrollable again.  So tomorrow morning a quick rake over before the sun has any power in it and jobs a guddun.

Not into supper...too hot to eat so might make something later....LN....I'm back to my book.  It's been a good day, I've deweeded the vegetable and flower garden but still they grow....

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Elsa Peters
June 11, 2012, 6:17pm Report to Moderator

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Monday 11th June

Well yesterday's afternoon nap didn't disrupt the sleep of the just.  I was awake at six though but lasted out until six thirty and didn't even bother with a coffee, I went outside to walk the estate, picked up my form and went dandelioning....new word...add to dictionary. I was doing OK until some low flying something must have settled on my wrist and did I have a reaction to it.  It came up in a lump so out with the Sudocreme but I think I need to take remedial action and get some anti-histamine tomorrow.  It seems to be swollen and I've had to remove my bracelets in case they are worrying it....give it overnight and I'll see what it's like in the morning.

Decided that I would be in for a while so did my mail and I now find out that my guest arrives on Thursday, not Friday.  So everything is being brought forward a day and tomorrow it's 'get the shovel out' and clean under the beds.   Looked down the garden and Remsier and her husband are removing the hay and lobbing it over the fence....and by the time I went to check it was all over and the donkey with the cart was ready to be loaded.  They got two good loads apparently towards the winter feed and two more fields to go.  It looks so much better and after having the snake in the garden a couple of weeks ago, it's much more sensible to keep it as close to the ground as possible.  

This afternoon went as if to thunder but it didn't and the rain stayed off.  I kept looking at the grass and knew that it was in need of a trim so out with the trusty mower at about four thirty, tidied up the edges as best I can until I get the strimmer, and just caught the sun going down as I cleared away the tools.  Really feel I've had a good day in the garden and at long last the tobacco has started to flower and is adding more colour to the garden.....just waiting now for the zinnia and that should top it off nicely.

Forgot to mention, my hare was at the bottom of the garden this morning.  As long as he stays at the bottom and leaves my veg alone....he can visit when he wants.  The jay was flying backwards and forwards and the cherries are decreasing rapidly.  I suppose I should at least collect some and do something with them but they were a let down last year...not sweet at all.  So into the kitchen to look for something to eat...it's got to be something quick and simple...it's almost too late to bother.....LN...I'm on the hunt...

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Elsa Peters
June 12, 2012, 6:07pm Report to Moderator

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Tuesday 12th June

Five thirty start mainly brought about by a throbbing right forearm and I suppose forearmed is forewarned.  It was and still is very red but I managed to transplant twenty four of the leeks into their permanent place and only another fifty or so to go.  

Came in for breakfast at about eight and decided that there was washing to do since it was such a lovely day and four loads were completed and the last hung out just before I went in to see my student.  Tomorrow is the cleaning day and Thursday last minute potter and my student and then off to meet the Sofia Kardjali bus.  My friends know how to make it down here for twenty two leva on a full sized coach...cheap as chips.

I kept looking at my arm and wondering if I should be doing something about it.  Showered and set off for my student, delivered a load of bottles to the bottle bank, round to the carpark and straight to the chemist.  They looked at it and uummed and aarred and I ended up with twenty four anti-histamine cream and tablets for just on three pounds.  I remember in the UK when I started with a bout of hay fever after several years without an attack and the tablets were so expensive.

So tablets taken but one bright soul said that it is normal guessing at what had bitten me and said that it was nothing to do with an allergic reaction but that it would be gone in three or four days and it was nothing to worry about.  Went down the garage after the lesson and had the two belts change, car pressure washed and the bill came to forty leva...just under twenty pounds...try that in England.

Supper was a spicy sausage with onions and diced potato, tomato, honey and chilli with some fresh crusty bread.  Beautiful day weather-wise, the garden is watered, the leeks are looking a little better, crickets are bursting their little lungs or rubbing away their back legs and I'm waiting for the fireflies to come out to play.  Magic to watch when there is no other light as a distraction.  LN and wish me luck tomorrow...I have lots of work to do starting probably with a few games of Freecell just to work up to it...
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Elsa Peters
June 13, 2012, 5:32pm Report to Moderator

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Wednesday 13th June

Unlucky for some and it was for me today....there is no corner that has not been unturned.  All the carpets up, hovered through, all the floor tiles washed, curtains removed and OK...so I'm late with the spring clean...now that our summer is here but it had to be done.   I have guests tomorrow...

It's not that the place was dirty but when the fire is no longer needed it's time to get it ship shape.  I managed to even clean the windows on the upstairs landing and there are only three outside ones that are destined for the hose.....I just can't reach and there has to be some solution but I need my men back to solidify the ideas that are coursing through my brain and it's all to do with getting  a sort of metal trellis attached to the balcony rails on the upstairs terraces.  It's been through the drawing board stage...once.

Just lit the bonfire to get rid of the last of the dregs although I do keep adding to it with the baby dandelions.  It's quite therapeutic and I suppose one day there will be none...one day.  It's when Sally says that the house will be finished and beautiful and my response in Bulgarian is always...one day.

Update on arm....swelling has gone down but the bite itself looks very angry.  I dowsed it with some sort of spirit stuff from the chemist (not the local supermarket) to see if that will draw it to a head and that's what I feel it needs....not pretty.

So camera didn't come out today...I've been too busy doing mundane stuff....now down to the kitchen to find something to eat and drink...well the beers out already so it's only the eating that needs to be sorted....LN...my bonfire needs attending to before my glass....LN
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Elsa Peters
June 14, 2012, 7:17pm Report to Moderator

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Thursday 14th June

Well six thirty this morning out in the garden and came in at nine o'clock and marveled at how much I had done.  More dandelions removed, bonfire pit cleared out and surrounding plants removed so that I don't set fire to the hillside.  Thirty more leeks have been planted and lots of marigolds that have grown in the wrong place have been rehoused and watered in.

So student today and we discussed Petra and his homework is to review Nike goddess of prosperity.  Don't I give his some tasks to do...

Went to pick up my guest from Kardjali stopping off and loading up from Billa with all the essentials like beer.  Supper tonight was cold cuts with potato salad and a little of the red stuff to wash it down...Hard life.  Since he had an early start, tomorrow will be a simple task, as you please, before I give him the agenda of what he has to achieve before I'll let him on the plane...

LN....just washed up and I appreciate that this update is late...C'est la vie....
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Elsa Peters
June 15, 2012, 6:59pm Report to Moderator

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Friday 15th June

Out this morning at 6.00 and planted up the hypericom that was a pressie from the UK and had to find a place for a bag of red onion sets that had also been delivered.  I'm stuck for space now...all my growing ground is full so had to dig over the space between the rhubarb garden and the house getting rid of the weeds as I went and it is now firmly established as 'veg garden'.  Tomorrow morning the rest of the leeks will be parked up with the red onions and fingers crossed that something comes out of it.

I also found a very sad looking lupin so on the edge of the new garden there are two little beds that had become really overgrown with bindweed and couch grass and the lupin is now housed in one of them.  New flower bed dug that needs wooden edging to stop the soil falling onto what will be the lawn when I get some grass.... so still being creative.  And all the while I was working, my guest was calling the sheep home or snoring his little head of and at nine thirty there was a grunt and a growl and I went in to make breakfast.  I had some really meaty sausages and served them with a fried egg on toast...

Out again in the garden, we strung up the vine to save it trailing on the floor, Gouljan arrived at five thirty for her hot six o'clock date and I sat in the garden until I felt it was safe to leave them unchaperoned.  He's thirty seven, she's thirty three but this is Bulgaria.  It might work...he's looking for a wife and she wouldn't mind a husband so tomorrow I've convinced her that they should go out for a coffee or a meal in Kardjali and he has her number.

Supper tonight was chicken in red wine with onions and mushrooms served with rice.....delicious ....washed down with a little beer,  We sat out and watched the fireflies doing the flashing thing and at almost ten my time, it will soon be time to get my little head down.  Started a new book about the Peking siege of the women.  I'll keep you informed on that one and Baidou Spider should be busy for the next week or so....

Now I promise, promise, promise to get that camera out and post some pickies and I believe I have found my next one on Amazon...just need to check out the immediate finances before I make the purchase.  I'm only a pensioner you know... ....LN...'leeking' tomorrow  morning....
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Elsa Peters
June 16, 2012, 6:20pm Report to Moderator

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Saturday 16th June

Out in the garden at seven and did some weeding and planting and everything is looking good.  Why do weeds take over when left to their own devices...nature reclaims its own so quickly?  So with my trusty English fork and a lot of stamina I've only got one bed to go and that's destined for tomorrow morning.

Breakfast was sausages and tomatoes so absolutely stuffed until tonight...the sausages here contain no fat and unlike English ones maintain their bulk during the cooking process.  Took the Beast in for about twelve of the clock and the new part shipped over courtesy of my guest is installed and the fuel tank drained of water yet again.  Cost for job...ten leva, cheap at half the price.  Had a phone call and have visitors tomorrow from about two hours away so the kettle will be on for about ten thirty and we'll see how the day pans out.  We might be lunching...depends what they have on their agenda.  Went over to the library this afternoon and sat out in the sun and had a chinwag.  Brought back their computer and a sewing machine that doesn't work and it will give my guest something to play with if he gets bored....

Did a little shopping and stocked up with fruit juice and I just happened to spot a bottle of vodka and I thought I would give it a good home even if it is only temporary.  It opened up tonight and showed me some of its charms and mixed well with the apricot juice and tonic water...such a good mixer.  Supper was a chicken curry followed by honey dew melon and that should see us through till tomorrow.  My Avatar came up with natural yogurt and some of her chicken eggs this morning but I insisted on paying for them much to her chagrin.  She is on a very tight pension but is so independent.  

Night is falling....nine thirty my time and I've not even got round to doing my Daily Mail sudoku for the last tow days...the joy of having guests....LN...I've got yesterday's and today's to do....

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Elsa Peters
June 17, 2012, 5:57pm Report to Moderator

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Sunday 17th June

Breakfast was my Avatars eggs boiled for five minutes but they were so fresh that mine had to go in for a couple of minutes more for safety.  Fresh eggs don't do much for my alimentary canal.  Got the scythe out and felled the lane and the rest of the stuff down by the bonfire and the garden path and threw the debris over the hedge for the sheep to take the hard work out of grazing.  I was prepared for visitors at about ten thirty but they eventually arrived at about twelve so it was coffee and then into the lunchtime scenario.  We peeled potatoes, onions and carrots and had a very successful lunch of potato salad, coleslaw, cold meats, cheese, crispy things and took about one and a half hours over it.  Very relaxed.

They came bearing gifts.  I had originally asked for cuttings of various jasmine, spirea, escalonia, honeysuckle but they came with about four year old shrubs and now I have to read up on the stuff that I never asked for to see if it is winter hardy.  I should take cuttings of all of them before they go in just to make sure that I have substitutes.  They showed us pictures of their newly acquired house and their garden seems to be at the stage that mine was before Remsier's husband did his stuff on it.  They need a local with a scythe and if he takes the stuff away if will cost nothing for him to do it...look at it this way...you are doing him a favour in the bartering society.

So no supper tonight...I am still fairly stuffed from lunchtime.  My guests are on their way home and I am very grateful for the gifts...we've had a lovely day....LN

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My Diary by Elsa Peters (only location)

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