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Elsa Peters
August 1, 2022, 5:53pm Report to Moderator

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Monday 1st August

Seven start and I meandered through the morning.  I'd done a late wash load yesterday so that was pegged out, the last of the handmade mates went in the machine  and somehow I managed to be cleaning the top of the cooker, it wasn't intended but it just happened.  I was about to set off on tortoise watch and realised that I'd taken my Fitbit off last night when I had a shower so I retraced my steps to find it, no point in not recording effort.  As it happened, no tortoise, they were having a late start too.

I noticed the old metal sunbed on the little house terrace and got really annoyed every time I tried to pull it by one of the upper bars, the bold fastening had come apart and the frame came apart.  Now the bit that the bolt went in to was part of the original design on inside the tube so I decided to put a new bolt in from the inside but it was difficult to hold it in place especially when the second part of the tune closed over the hole and the bolt had to secure the two parts of the tubular frame,  Thinking cap on.  I found a new bolt, washer and nut, threaded some very tine wire round the shank of the bolt, threaded the thin wire into the tube from the inside and got the bolt in the correct position, put the thin wire through the hole in the second part of the frame, covered the first tube of the frame with the second tugging gently on the wire and 'bingo' the screw came out of the hole securing the frame.  I quickly  wound the rest of the wire around the bolt before it disappeared again and screwed on the nut,  I found some silver spray paint and it looks as good as new....just got a new cover to make or get made.

Flushed with success I tested out the seat pan of the swinging bench and low and behold, my hand went through it so my task now was to get the frame in the position where I could removed the seat cover and back comer since it's all one piece.  I've managed it and now I have another seat cover to make or have made....I'm out tomorrow so it's a Wednesday job.  Tools away, found a text for my student  and was in the Nipper for just after half two for his lesson.  Bought some more spray paint for touch up while they still have it in stock from my student's mums shop, I bought a few cans of fly spray for those that forget to close the fly screens over the newt few weeks, was given ten free gifts from the chickens down at the garage.  I went to my gift shop and managed to find something original for the birthday bash tomorrow and I'm also catching up with Ms A of Samodiva who's over for a holiday for two weeks. It's a hot sticky night with lots of noise from the bottom village for the pre-bash for the wedding party on Wednesday. I thought about joining in but the noise still coming over the is making my head hurt .  LN.....The windows will be closed very soon.......LN

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Elsa Peters
August 1, 2022, 6:31pm Report to Moderator

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Monday update

Update:  Some idiot decided to let off fireworks from Avatar's garden and I heard a thud on my roof.  I obviously went out to check and found the remains of a firework around eight inches long glowing under the Lindon tree so quickly stamped it out.  Every where is so dry.....what are they thinking....numbskulls.....

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Elsa Peters
August 2, 2022, 6:42pm Report to Moderator

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Tuesday 2nd August

So this morning I did my investigation into where the fireworks were set off and by whom.  I found the site in Avatar's garden and apparently it was three men associated with the wedding party, she was concerned that it might not be safe but was assured that there would be no fall out.  Thank goodness I heard part of the rocket fall on the roof and went out to investigate and found the glowing embers near to the garage under the tree and was able to stamp out the threat.  I really didn't sleep well last night, it was the stupidity of it all, everywhere is tinder dry and I was just lucky that I heard it and could eliminate the threat.  I went back a little later and spoke to Avatar and related the incident and that done, she'd managed to get some cheesy bread from the bread van and we sat in her garden eating it with tomatoes and that was breakfast done and dusted.  

I returned home and took lots of photos of my garden this morning the light was just so good. I got my swimming gear ready, I was off to a pool for lunch with Ms A of Samodiva, the little one and the birthday girl and was ready to leave at ten after wrapping a present and writing on a card.  Into the Nipper and it was only when I got to Rogosche that I realised I had the present but no swim bag with me so turned round, retraced my steps and set off again.  I thought about it and should have realised that I was wearing my swim suit so should have carried on and borrowed a towel instead of going back.  All into the Nipper, managed to get a good umbrella and beds a day of lots of swimming, good food and a lovely day with friends.  We left at four, dropped off the others and I was home for five more or less feeling a little 'pink' in places and very sleepy after a lousy night but far more relaxed than when I'd set off.  Swim gear in the machine, I settled on the sofa and it wasn't long before my eyelids went south and I've not long woken up.  Tomorrow is a sewing day, I've found the strong material for both seat cover and new top for the sunbed and it shouldn't be too difficult to achieve...she said.  LN...Wish me luck.....LN

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Elsa Peters
August 3, 2022, 5:26pm Report to Moderator

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Wednesday 3rd August

Six thirty start and since I didn't water the garden last night I was very generous with the water.  It was a bit of a cloudy start but they soon burnt off and at seven thirty I was cutting the material to make the cover for the swinging bench to replace the one I'd put my fist through to test its strength.  I used the existing one as a template but decided to put the old one inside the new one for added strength and I'd made it double sided.  I've fitted it, using Allen keys and spanners I've put the frame back together and all that's left to do is to finish off with hand sewing which I can to later.  It does look so much better and now it can be used where before it couldn't.  I also stitched some of the new fabric on to the old sunbed cover and that also needs some hand stitching...I've done half of it but ran out of steam and decided to start something else.

Avatar popped over around twelve and apologised saying that she had forgotten all about helping me with the sewing.  I knew she's had visitors yesterday and thought they'd stayed over night so hadn't bothered to go and prompt her.  I told her that there was no need, that most of it was finished and she said what a good job I'd done....and I think it will be when I've finished it off.  After she went I made tuna, mayo with onions, beetroot and potatoes and took her a bowl over for her saying that if she wanted to add peppers and tomatoes to make it personal to her she could.  Later she told me that she'd made a sandwich out of it and had had a good sleep this afternoon after her guests yesterday, she was whacked.

And then it kicked off, cars parading down the street to the wedding house, horns blaring and apparently some from the village went round to the house.  I'd decided to boycott the wedding, I don't know the family or the daughter that's getting married so gave it a miss.  Normally they're very noisy drawn out occasions and because it was in the week, most of the ones that I'd sit with were working.  So on with the sorting, I decided that the carpet on the landing had to come up and unfortunately it was under the heavy computer desk so it took longer than I anticipated but it's done.  The floor's washed over, the computer still works and only one container of 'bits' to sort.  Another full on day but I feel that I've achieved a lot today.  Avatar's daughter in law arrives tonight or tomorrow, I know the flight was delayed and now Avatar is on the countdown to spending the winter in Germany, she'll go back with her.    LN.....Nice long bath for me....probably with Badedas.....LN
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Elsa Peters
August 4, 2022, 6:22pm Report to Moderator

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Thursday 4th August

Seven start, watered the pots and moved a few around, weeded others, threw the carpet that I'd moved to the balcony last night over the parapet and there it stayed until this evening. They don't miss much in this village though, talking to my neighbour that's over from Turkey she asked what the carpet was doing by the door to the porch and I mentioned that I wanted everything clear for when my children come over, it's much easier with mop and bucket than getting the hoover out and just putting the dust in a different place.  I'm not sure she saw the logic but maybe it got lost in translation...she's much better in Turkish than Bulgarian with no English at all.  I asked her if she went to the wedding yesterday and she turned her nose up so I gathered that she didn't.  She was also surprised at the letting off of fireworks so close to our houses and I related the story of my incident to her...we were both lucky.

I made the mistake of having two cups of coffee this morning and instantly regretted it...my head felt quite squiffy. I checked my blood pressure and it was fine so that's why I put it down to the coffee along with the fact that I hadn't stopped for breakfast.  I found myself on the wrong end of an iron and it took me back to Sunday nights when the children were small getting their school uniforms ready and work shirts for my husband.  I attempted to iron the sheet to go on my bed for when my daughter comes next week and gave up, it was easier to put it in the washing machine again, stiff breeze and it's not in situ without any effort.  At twelve thirty I opened a can of tuna, hard boiled four eggs, a few spoonsful of chopped beetroot and some silver skin onions and that was breakfast...belated but very welcome.  As they say a full stomach requires rest so I settled on the sofa to watch the cycling time trial.....I just love all sport....and promptly fell asleep but felt much better for it.  The thought did come into my head that I could clean the windows and quickly left again.  Instead I finished the last of the washing putting in two pillows and it started alright and suddenly there was a strange message on the display and the machine turned itself off.  I immediately drained the outlet and found a few coins in there and note to self...should check pockets more thoroughly.....put some of the clothes back in and started the programme from the beginning and it sailed through.  Earlier in the day I thought that the machine had done a good job, eleven years and no problems and thought that it was 'sod's' law that it was due to pack up on me and was relieved when it got to the end.

Avatar's daughter has arrived safely and has managed to get the car out of the garage.  I suppose she'll have to tax and insure it and maybe an MOT, will use it for a month and then set off for Germany with Avatar in tow.  Nine thirty my time, really late tonight and it won't be long before I'm off to the land of nod.  LN....Windows tomorrow and then I'm done.....LN
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Elsa Peters
August 5, 2022, 7:20pm Report to Moderator

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Friday 5th August

Seven start an after watering myself and the garden it was time for a bonfire.  No coffee for me and I noticed the difference by just sticking to water.  I collected everything together that needed burning, took the hosepipe down with me and watered well round the burning barrel and then put the hose on to the hose with the holes in it going round the shrubs at the bottom of the garden.  One of the little kerrias was flowering but looking a little jaded but after a good soaking looked better for it.  I got the fire underway and kept if fed putting the lid on it so no sparks could escape.  That's all very well but it does stop the air so dulls down the fire so a quick lift off with the lid to get it going again and this time it was fine.  I checked out the garden next to the fire pit and noticed that there were now two big branches that had broken and were hanging on other shrubs so I found the saw from the little house and took them off and levered them over the wall.  It was the weight of the fruit that had brought them down but now the underneath shrubs could at least get some light.  I moved the hose from the shrub bed and put it on the kerria, went back to the little house and brought down the loppers and took out some of the other wild plum suckers so that a yucca and ground plants got more air and light.  

Two hours gardening and it was only half nine so time for more hot water and toast for breakfast.  I cleared the kitchen, checked Avatar's garden to see if she was out and about but there was lots of activity with her daughter in law so I decided to leave the visit until later and it was much later when I got over there.  I pottered for a couple of hours and at twelve came in and put the CW games on and promptly fell asleep.  I woke up and went on the munchies, raiding the fridge and the goody box but felt much better for my rest.....so much so that I decided to tackle the job that I'd allocated for today....the windows.  The double storey stair well outside were the first to get done and I hate those but not bad, I'll check them out tomorrow and see if they need doing again.  The rest of the outside are completed and only the inside of the downstairs to finish the job.  I failed to do them post winter so I'm really on catch-up.

Went over to see Avatar around seven, came back with fresh bread and tomatoes and she'd been busy too.  With the car not being on the garage she'd put the table and chairs in there so that they can eat in there when it's too hot outside.  I've already donated mosquito coils to keep the flies down and the nibblers...I hope she remembers to use them.  I remembered that I'd taken a steak from the freezer this morning so fried off an onion in the skillet, more butter went in the pan and the steak followed, two slices of bread soaked with butter juice from the pan and that was supper.  I was really surprised, I'd bought two in a pack reduced for quick sale at sixty percent off....bargain and delicious.  I'll be looking for them again or even at full price...butchers steak in BG is normally tough, expensive and difficult to find.

Nothing on the agenda for tomorrow so far.....I just might have a day off and go swimming and shopping in that order.  LN.....Commonwealth games calls.....LN  
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Elsa Peters
August 6, 2022, 4:39pm Report to Moderator

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Saturday 6th August

A good night's sleep until five thirty this morning...I'd slept through one or two programmes last night so it was to be expected.  I made my morning brew or rather I boiled the kettle and filled up the glass,  did a couple of Sudoku before anything else and went outside and worked out how to reach the outside windows.  I found my telescopic window rod which is great but the hose pipe gets attached to it and you get soaked to the skin so I was looking to find another method.  L left the hose pipe off and soaked the brush with diluted floor cleaner, applied the brush to the windows and hoisted the small hose up to the balconies in turn and it seemed to work.  To dry them off, I folded a cleaning cloth over the brush using what they call a rubber scraper and they're not perfect but much better than they were.  So four top ones done I carried on and did the four lower ones, went inside for a sit down, put Netflix on and fell upon a limited series, Keep Breathing, and I watched the six episodes straight off lying on the sofa eating breakfast.

I'd worked up the energy to start again and used more or less the same process except that I used the cleaning cloth to go over the windows first and a dryer one to give them a final going over.  I was on the third one when Avatar appeared and she started laughing when she saw what I was doing.  She came bearing gifts, her daughter in law had bought some chocolate for me, a chocolate biscuit bar and a champagne flavored croissant.  I think it's a little thank you for helping out Avatar but there again, she helps me out so it's swings and roundabouts.  Off she went, I finished the windows inside and settled down for the hockey that we won, the cricket that we lost and the netball that we lost to the Australians.  

My attempts to go into Kardjali failed and it was just as well.  I'll go into Djebel on Monday and get the insurance sorted for another year and carry on to Kardjali and get the Nipper MOT'd.  Tonight I have an evening of diving, Jack Law is going for his third gold of the tournament and we have some track events....it will be over soon so it will be all back to normal.  LN......Too hot and clammy to bother finding food tonight so far....maybe later.....LN  
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Elsa Peters
August 7, 2022, 6:03pm Report to Moderator

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Sunday 7th August

Five thirty start and I watched a Hard Talk interview with someone who was attached to Shakespeare productions and wanted to make them more authentic by using disabled actors to play roles of disabled characters in the play.  Very forward thinking...not sure who he was but very interesting.  Toast for breakfast and I settled on Netflix, I was feeling a little bit under the weather so stretched out and lazed for about three hours until the urge to do something overtook me.  It was all interspersed with the AW games, I was particularly interested in the athletics and the relays and we took medals in both and the women's hockey this afternoon was superb with England beating Australia 2-1 and made off with the gold.  The Australian goal came in the last few minutes with Australia throwing everything at it but England stayed with the format and fought them off valiantly.  

My effort and cleaning the windows yesterday was put to the test...it started to rain but fortunately only lasted a few minutes.  We've had gale force winds all day and things have been flying around, now it's all calmed down and time to put everything back in place.   It's a gentle sunset tonight, just a few clouds showing up against the pink sky in the failing light.   I've used lots of hot water today cleaning the kitchen, didn't bother putting the boiler on and decided to have a shower and it was cold by the time I'd finished...not so good but my dressing gown was hanging in the bathroom and I've snuggled up.  I need to go and make supper, I've picked most of the day and not had anything substantial since breakfast toast.....and I'm in need of something.  LN.......Let me go and dirty the kitchen again.....LN

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Elsa Peters
August 8, 2022, 5:06pm Report to Moderator

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Monday 8th August

Silly five thirty start, sudoku, back to sleep and out of bed by seven thirty.  Watered the garden and the pots, that few 'drops' that we had yesterday did nothing for the flowers but the grass has started to go green again so will soon need mowing.  I did notice Blue having breakfast on one of the weeds shooting from the bottom of the plant so maybe I'll have to leave the bottom of the garden for the tortoise and concentrate on the middle.  The top end near both walls is covered with wild plums that have fallen and middle , high long wall now has the pears falling so I shall have to collect those up and lob them over the wall for the animals.   The wind was pretty brisk again this morning and it's been fresh in the sun but very hot but very humid inside. Pegged out a line of washing including the covers for the sofa in the winter lounge just to freshen it up.

Toast for breakfast, washed and dressed for Kardjali, the Nipper was having it's MOT to day and I had a sudden relapse on the date and when things expired.  I had in my head that it was the tenth today so drove into Djebel carefully, had to park up on the main central car-park, Monday is horrendous and the world and all it's friends were in town this morning.  They behave as if it's still before car's were invented.  Despite having new pavements no one seems to use them, indicators aren't used and when they park up in the heat because they're waiting for someone, the door away from the pavement is always left open to get as much air as possible inside the car.  I did a fair amount of muttering and signing as I drove in this morning.  So into the car shop, my insurance doesn't run out until the twelfth so she was able to take a photograph of my car document and complete it without me being there.  For some reason the computer wants to charge me more because I'm English post Brexit but a phone call sorts it out...but this happens each year.  Over to the local council offices and paid my local car tax of just under fifty pounds for the year, back to the Nipper, down to the garage for a wash and brush up but only on the outside and then on the Kardjali.  The roads were very busy with lots Romanians heading back home after having a holiday in Greece and I don't think they have solid lines in Romania, they certainly ignore them here!!

I arrived at the MOT centre that I always use but there were about four cars waiting so I went to my lighting and electrical shop to check out some new lamps.  I was surprised to see that the electrical shop wasn't in operation any morel but the lamp shop was.  I parked up was checking out the lamps and an assistant that I didn't know appeared and offered to help me and mentioned that I'd noticed that the other shop wasn't there.  She replied that it had moved to the back of the lamp shop and I mentioned that I used to come here for all the materials that I needed for my renovations.  I was deep in thought over what I wanted and the original lady that used to serve me appeared and we caught up.  I think it's a family business and she's keeping it going, I picked what I wanted and she selected the lamps for me, totted up the bill and took a bit chunk off it.  I must have looked really surprised, she said that it was OK and I suggested that I went once a week so that she could improve her English and she cold help me with my Bulgarian.  We both had a chuckle and we worked out that my first time in the shop was eleven years ago,

Back to T-Max and I bought another mirror for my bedroom to replace the cheap one that I've put up with for the last ten, Kaufland for a few items, Lidl for a few more and back to Djebel for my insurance documents and to settle my bill.  Final stop at the local supermarket for bread, mayo and Coca-Cola, two Angus steak burgers for supper on bread, stuffed to the gills and have had too much cola already.   Washing in, sofa hoovered and is now on its side and I'll be renovating it tomorrow so it's now so saggy.   Student tomorrow afternoon and I promised him a decent text, I've been lazy over the last two weeks.  He wants one on football, he's football mad and I'll do my best.  LN..... Brilliant day today, I've enjoyed being out and about....LN
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Elsa Peters
August 10, 2022, 3:20am Report to Moderator

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Tuesday 9th August

Late posting, sorry.  For those that follow just to see if the gods are still with me and I'm still on my hillside...everything is fine.  I started to watch t.v., fell asleep, woke up at eleven, went to bed and it was only this morning that I remembered, no update.  The intention was good, there was just no follow through.

Same old, same old, but somehow found myself with a new task yesterday morning.  My little sofa in the winter lounge was getting very saggy, cushions were sliding off so I decided to investigate.  The foam was getting old and unsupportive and so I went to my store room on the top floor of the little house to look for some hardboard that would support the foam on the webbing.  I found some but I also came up with the idea that an insulation tile would be a better problem solver and it is.  All back together again by ten thirty and as proof, slept soundly on it last night.

Wild and windy yesterday, it was another hot one but I had cushions flying every where and some of the plant are looking quite bedraggled.  It will be a quick run round with the secateurs this morning, all the fruit that was hanging down is now lying down on the ground so before it turns to mush, that's my job for the morning sorted.  Off t see my student at three and we had a good lesson, he's a bright boy and my obligatory goal keeper job while he practices his skill with magic feet.  I sat with his mother in the shop after the lesson and at six thirty, his brother appeared after helping his father in the garage after he's finished his final year in university and it just reminded me that I've known this family for quite some years.  His brother was my student almost nine years ago, now speaks English well and little brother is on the same track.  We build memories, that's what life is about.  

Home and cooked a barbecued pork rib for supper. followed by a cluster of seedless grapes followed by a black cherry yogurt.  No wonder I crashed, a full tummy requires rest.  I think the grass might get done today, house is virtually finished just the conservatory to sort out.  It's been the last staging post.  LS......Time to start my day......LS
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My Diary by Elsa Peters (only location)

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