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Elsa Peters living a new life in Bulgaria    General Boards    My Diary by Elsa Peters  ›  APRIL 2023
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Elsa Peters
April 30, 2023, 2:47pm Report to Moderator

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Sunday 30th April

So slept OK in a strange bed.....unfortunately I've been used to central heating heating and furry sheets in my nest and it took me ages to settle.  The other disturbing factor was a nightingale that didn't know when to call it a night and kept going until roughly six this morning but it was almost time to start my day.  I eventually got out at seven, made coffee, washed and dressed in my on-suite accommodation, activity was in progress, cats fed and we were in the Nipper in good time and heading down to the delights of Greece.  The border crossing had only four cars in front of us and we sailed through the check-point....being early had stood us in good stead.

The plan was to get down to Porto Largos that has a very lively Sunday Market.  First stop was the coffee shop for breakfast and we settled for cheese in flaky pastry and it kept us going all day.  My companion was under strict instructions that she wasn't to let me buy any clothes, I have plenty but I was allowed one beach cover-up for one euro....rude not to.  I also was tempted by two well priced fuschia plants that are now sitting outside on the terrace at my friends house....I'll try one of them in the garden and the other shall remain in its pot when I get back tomorrow.  Back in the Nipper and we drove to Fanari, a quaint fishing village and managed to park up in a car-park near the sea wall.  The beach was deserted and children were throwing stones in the sea, a couple of fishermen were casting lines and the restaurant was busy with Sunday church goers now that the service was over.  We managed to get rid of the small change we had, the man didn't come to get payment so I went inside, dumped it on the counter and said that there was seven euro and was that enough.  It obviously was....and we left without anyone chasing after us.  

We drove on to our favourite beach, parked up and settled ourselves again on a deserted beach and occupied ourselves throwing stones trying to hit a post in the sand.  One direct hit on the top of it by my friend, I came a close second but since there were only two of us....not much competition.  Around three there were a few raindrops and we made the decision to head back to Bulgaria, the clouds were gathering and I didn't fancy a thunderstorm over the pass.  As it happened, it didn't materialise and we were home for four thirty more or less.  We were going to have a meal in Greece but neither of us were really hungry so we're coming up with something to keep us going until morning.  I'm staying another night so that she can close the house up tomorrow, she can stay at mine and it cuts down the distance to the airport.  

We have lots of photos of today but since I've not got the program on this laptop to reduce the pixels....you'll have to wait until tomorrow.  LN....I feel like I've had a lovely day in the sun and feel better for it.....April and sitting on the beach in the sun.....in Greece......LN
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My Diary by Elsa Peters (only location)

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