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JUNE 2023
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Elsa Peters living a new life in Bulgaria    General Boards    My Diary by Elsa Peters  ›  JUNE 2023
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Elsa Peters
June 30, 2023, 4:36pm Report to Moderator

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Friday 30th June

Silly me....watching Netflix until one this morning and slowly made my way up the wooden hills to bed.  I was quickly into night clothes and straight to sleep waking at six thirty this morning.  Not much of a sunrise, there was lots of mist round since the ground is so wet but once it burnt off, we've had a lovely day.  I played silly games waiting for the sun to warm up, made my way on the balcony and sat in one of the chairs with my coffee enjoying the warmth and watching birds come and go.  I took the big camera outside but was finding nothing worth taking so switched it off and that's when the woodpecker landed on the lonesome pine.  By the time I'd got it fired up and the zoom on it was ready for the next feeding station and only just managed to catch it on camera.

I made ham sandwiches for breakfast and took it outside to eat on the terrace and Avatar came round.  She was having problems with her telephone and couldn't get the internet working but my problem was that the screens were all in Turkish so I was going where I'd not gone before.  I phone another friend in the village who speaks Turkish and understands phones and I sent Avatar down to get it sorted.  By now again the day was full of possibilities but none that I wanted to participate in, the grass was still damp underfoot so I had the perfect excuse for not doing anything involving machinery.  She came back a while later and it hadn't been fixed and this time she came bearing rice with meat that she'd cooked for guests who hadn't arrived so I had a prepared lunch.  I was going to save it for later but since it was now half twelve I decided to have it while it was hot in front of the television...yes I was back binge watching.  At four she was back again, and she now had the password for the internet.  I took my phone with me and played with my screen and managed to pick up the internet address and could have connected so I knew there was nothing wrong with the WIFI.  I pressed various buttons on the screen and eventually Networks and WIFI opened up so I had the internet address and noticed that the WIFI slide button was set to OFF so I slid it across to ON and low and behold we had lift off.  About twelve messages came in on WhatsApp and it was buzzing like fury, eventually it stopped and everything was working.  The difference is, the family set her up with these things and don't explain what to check if anything goes wrong so I went through it with her in a training run and now she should be OK.

We sat in her garden for an hour or so in the sun and at seven I came home.  We did made twenty four degrees today but there's a chill in the air now the sun's on it's way down and it's time to go round shutting doors and windows to maintain the heat.  Gardening day tomorrow, the problem isn't the grass, it's the long stalks from the weeds that need to be cropped.  Not going to be such a late night for me tonight...only two episodes left in the second series and not starting on the third unless I get carried away again and if I do I should be carried away. The things become addictive.  LN.....I've given up cigarettes and booze and now it looks like Netflix is to be added to the list.....LN

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My Diary by Elsa Peters (only location)

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