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OCTOBER 2024 This thread currently has 1,009 views. |
Elsa Peters |
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Tuesday 1st October
So now into the final quarter of the year. October to me is clearing the falling leaves, damp mornings, smoking autumn bonfires and slow cooker casseroles. We now have the potential for morning mists in the valleys, potential for sunny afternoons but the pools are all finished now, so time for me to start up with my ancestry records again in the evenings. This year it will be slightly different, I've not done an autumn getaway to England, my daughter has usually come over here at some point in the year and we've had brilliant catch-ups and this year I missed it. The cost of air fares from the UK have been extremely prohibitive and since they are both governed by the number of days holiday they can take, the cost of seven days was very high. So this year I've managed to book a seventeen day trip for under sixty euro for both ways so it makes more sense for Mohammed to go to the mountain since my days aren't governed by anyone. I've also booked my Christmas break and that was about the same price.
Up and about this morning around seven, bacon and egg sandwich for breakfast, washing up done and then I cut up the leeks, peeled the potatoes, added a vegetable stock cube in hot water and in it went into the slow cooker. I added chicken wings to it later and had a late lunch/early supper around four this afternoon and around five drove into Djebel to pick up some fly-spray since I forgot to get it yesterday, some insulated windscreen sheets that I've decided will do for the radiators in the house and elastic bungy cables so that I can roll up the hose pipes and get those into the woodstore for the winter. I'm now into tidy mode and part of that was in the garden when I pulled up a couple of plants that I'm told are dangerous to livestock....I shall have a bonfire and get rid of them tomorrow.
After I'd finished at the car shop I went to visit my older student's family. What started out to be a 'let's go for a pizza' had turned complicated so I went to clear the air and confirm the attendees. It's now been slipped to next week, still not sure whose coming but I'm only having to turn up and shall insist on paying. I've had a request to bring back some tubes of Deep Heat from England for mother's sore bones, I gave her a tube to try and she said that it really works better than anything she found in Bulgaria or Turkey. It was a lovely drive back to the forest, no other cars about so I could put my foot down a little and no moon but a very starry night.
Time to see if I can scrape anything from the side of the slow cooker for supper. LN......Sorry, no photos today, I've just been too busy.....LN |
Elsa Peters |
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Location: Mobile!
Wednesday 2nd October
Funny old day....I was out of bed by seven, bed stripped down by ten past and sheet, pillow cases and top sheet into the washing machine and then it went down hill. I made the mistake of looking in the chest in the guestroom for more sheets to make up the bed instead of waiting for the removed ones to dry and ended up finding all sorts of sheet, duvet covers, pillow cases that I hadn't seen for ages. They hadn't been put in the chest sorted by type and it was all much of a mish-mash and now it's done and dusted or dust-free hopefully. A new bottom sheet went on my bed, a summer weight quilt now has a new cotton cover and after my second normal load of washing, a black duvet cover when in the machine and now that's on my bed for tonight.
I used the rest of the bacon with and egg for my breakfast sandwich, cat had the rest of the the leek and potato and chicken from the slow cooker and it suddenly occurred to me that I hadn't managed to get the dry cat food from my swimming buddy from Fotinovo so I messaged her to see if she was busy for the day and if not, could I go over and collect it. She said that was OK so I drove over and was there for roughly eleven and I left the washing drying on the airers in the guest room along with the piles of unsorted bed linen surrounding the chest that it had all been removed from. It was a lovely drive over there through the forest and I noticed how green everything had become since the storm the other night. I also noticed that the ferns were turning yellow and some of the leaves on the trees were doing the same thing. Unfortunately I'd forgotten my camera and almost kicking myself forgetting that I was driving.
We sat in the garden, the sun was shining, she was preparing the plants from her terraces that were going into their winter home later that month and it occured to me that we're more or less working to the same schedule. Winter is coming John Snow. I walked her garden with her, a very high wall had collapsed, had been rebuilt by Bekir and his son, yes, the Bekir who built my houses with Sally who has since retired and enjoying a relaxed life with his wife.We sat out until around four thirty, I was now getting cold and decided that it was time I left before I outdid my welcome. I left clutching the dried cat food so even it I don't have any left over for Cat, at least I have something to give it, I hadn't been back at the house long, when there was a knock on the door and it was my friend's mother who lives in the next village. We sat on the terrace, hd the usual chit-chat and then she opened her bag and removed a present and it was from Guldjan, the girl who started to teach me Bulgarian all those years ago and she now lives in Germany. She had sent over chocolates and nuts for me, gift wrapped and she also produced a lamb joint from of of her own lambs that they had killed. It was just a pleasant surprise at the end of a very pleasant day. Off she went, I messaged my friend in Germany thanking her for the gift and asked if it was an early Christmas or birthday for next year of a late one for this....and fortunately she understands my humour.
After watching a little Netflix this evening I was doubled up with cramp in my toes and lower leg and I'm guessing that it got cold this afternoon. Earlier this week we were experiencing temperatures of mid twenties and above and now we're down to eighteen, nineteen degrees. I was leaping around the lounge and eventually it subsided but have now decided to have a very hot bath before I go go bed to warm myself through completely. I have the feeling that I shall be taking chocolate from my newly received goody bag with me. LN...Rude not to I'm guessing.......wish me luck for tonight.....LN
Elsa Peters |
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Location: Mobile!
Thursday 3rd October
Well today has been a continuation of yesterday, more washing done, more tidying of chests and cupboards, it's all to do with the onset of Autumn. I also had a run at packing my bag for my upcoming holiday, I know it's early but plenty of time to change my mind. Fried tomatoes on toast for breakfast, cat had its first morning of dried food and was crying out for more when it had finished it. I was warned that dried food can lead to dehydration so I'd put a bowl of water down for it and thinking that on first eating the dried food it didn't feel that it had eaten very much but I certainly thought it best not to hand out a second helping. It could go scrounging round the village for desert.
It's been a much better today with lots of sun and I've only just closed up the door to the terrace and balcony, it's warmed up considerably today. I did have another spasm of cramp in my feet so I found out a pair of woollen socks knitted by Avatar and they went on and my feet have been toasty ever since. It's early to bring them out and I only found them by accident when I was sorting out one of the boxes in my downstairs winter bedroom. It demonstrates that I float into summer and pack my swim bag and float into winter when it comes to packing away t-shirts and unpacking winter woollies.
The rest of the day has been very leisurely, I;ve just had a phone call from my Bulgarian friend who lives in Germany. I'd messaged her this morning to thank her for the present that her mother delivered yesterday and it was a follow up from that. I'd asked her it they were coming over to Bulgaria but she's just taken on a new job, her husband has just undergone surgery for kidney stones so things have been a little difficult for them. At least everything has settled down again and again she asked me if I wanted to go and visit them and I will but probably next spring. Again sorry, no photos but I will do better tomorrow and the weekend we have our local village fair so hopefully the weather will be good. LN......Time to check out the rest of the windows before the heat really goes out of the building.......LN |
Elsa Peters |
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Location: Mobile!
Friday 4th October
Up before seven and the sun, collected the rubbish from the bathrooms, quick wash and dressed and went down to start the bonfire to get rid of the rubbish. By now the sun was up but there wasn't much heat in it so far but it was still early. I fed cat and it seems to like sleeping under the wall, it comes out to greet me but won't get any closer than arm's length and won't start eating until I move away. The water bowl still had water in it so didn't change it, it's used to foraging. I was trying desperately to identity if it's male or female but it just won't let me get that close so I'll probably end up taking a photo when it's not looking to solve the mystery.
I went up to make the bed, read for a while sitting on the chair in the bedroom facing the sun until I came to the end of the chapter. I moved into the guest rook and put the linen back into the chest but this time in piles of duvet cover, bottom sheets and pillowcases to make it easier when I come to making up the other bedrooms. I don't know how I managed to get so much of it, I brought quite a lot out from England when I first arrived and some of the other quilt cases have come from the second hand shop for throwaway prices but I've never thrown them away and most of them came originally from Ikea so good quality. One day I'll have a cull but not today.
As for the rest of the day, I tackled a book cupboard under the television and found books that again I've acquired not bought and one of them was 'Five Pounds in Five Days' juicer diet book and it reminded me that I bought a juicer about eight years ago and have never had it out of the box.....maybe the time is now right and I could start eating healthily substituting some of the rubbish I get through. It's not that I want to lose weight, I'm well within what I should be but the healthy bit interests me. It does mean that I have either got to buy an exercise bike or work out how to put my bile up on bricks and just pedal away without going anywhere. It's not safe to go out on the roads here...too many stray dogs to negotiate.
Time for supper so let's see what I can have with mayo be it fish fingers or chicken in cornflakes from the air fryer....the hunger bugs have started to nibble. LN.....Kitchen duties call.....LN
Elsa Peters |
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Location: Mobile!
Saturday 5th October
Early start for me. five of the clock, played on the phone until six, coffee and a little Outlander and out on the balcony by seven to watch my morning come to life. Lots of subtle changes in the sky, dark rain clouds moving gently in the wind bringing with it a little rain which didn't come to anything. From pink highlights to apricot blushes, back to blue and white with blue skies to follow for a lot of the day until this evening. I fed cat only this time I took the bottle of food out to the garden, I don't even have to call it now, it starts meowing to me when I get anywhere near the feeding poing. Again I tried to find out male or female but as soon as I put the food down, it sits down and I'm still not able to sex it. It's not that I even like cats only the musical by Andrew Lloyd the actual.
Poached eggs on toast for breakfast which set me up for the day, and for some reason I was drawn to sorting out the summer clothes and bringing out the winter ones from the large chest in my bedroom and by ten, all the tee-shirts were away and the sweaters folded and pigeon holed or hanging in the hanging space. I don't have a wardrobe, I had the unit made to my design incorporating a very long chest that my daughter suggest I get buried in, hanging space of one an a half meters but no door and sections for folded whatever. I also have a small wooden chest that takes all the stuff that my daughter and co leave when they come to stay. It's enough for me, I find wardrobes have doors that hide a multitude of sins...open shelving has to be kept tidy. I also attacked the sliding baskets in the bathroom, winter and summer socks have found new homes, handbags have been moved downstairs and all my winter pyjamas have been washed, are drying and will be put away tomorrow in the bathroom in one of the sliding baskets. As the seasons change, so do the wardrobes.
I settled on the sofa this afternoon once I'd tidied things away so that at least I could get into bed tonight now that the clothes were moved and reorganised. I was beginning to feel peckish and realised that most of the goodies had been consumed but I did have healthy looking apples so I cored a couple of those and sat watching my Netflix series until the urge to fill up the fridge with a few items played on the brain so much that I had to get in the Nipper and drive to Djebel. I made my list before I left and as a test piece for myself assembled my shopping before I looked at the written list and everything was there...success and nothing sucks like success. As I drove back home I noticed that there were workmen erecting stalls and remembered that we have a village fete worse than death tomorrow. The used to be good, they were held in the old school grounds, there was country dancing, lots of chickens and lambs cooking on spits and wrestling on the back playing field. Last year very few people attended,some rubbish stalls, an uncontrolled and unsupervised effort at synced dancing and no other entertainment. I suppose it's the same in many of the small villages. I will go tomorrow and show my face, chat to the mayor but refuse to pay exorbitant prices for lamb and tele and hopefully the weather will be reasonable....so it's not a complete washout.
I put the shopping away, opened a can of baked beans and put half of it into the frying pan with a half tin of local corned beef. I was too lazy to make mashed potatoes so opened a packet of Smash, boiled the kettle and added water, butter and salt and water to a dish, mixed it together and that became the topping for my concoction. It went down OK, hardly gourmet but adequate to fill the gap and I followed it with plain yogurt with the apricot syrup from the jam I bought the other day. I'm just hoping everything stays down Half nine my time,late tonight and apologies for lateness. LN......At least I have pictures, not everything went to pot and lots achieved on the reorganising front.....LN
Elsa Peters |
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Sunday 6th October
Another disturbed night. I was locked into this dream I've had before and I need to catch a plane but I can't find the secret combination to find out location and timings. I sorted out the problem in my dream, I'd written the answer down in a blue book, I opened it in the dream and the answer was written there. Goodness knows where this one came from, I felt confused but eventually released the dream and made beans on toast for breakfast. I've been fine ever since. I got on with the normal tasks, put the three loads of washing away from yesterday and it fitted, Cinderella, into the space that had been left for it. Winter pyjamas in the bathroom, Bulgarian vests,which are a lifeline, in with the underwear and a few pairs of sock in with the existing supply in the bathroom and the other fifty pairs in a storage box on top of the unit in my bedroom. How I've come to have so many pairs I just don't know except that my ladies have been dishing them out for years and I don't seem to throw any away. One more load into the machine, washing up completed and kitchen tidied, cat fed on more dried food that seems to be going down well and then checked my phone but nothing untowards to be sorted and remembered that it is Sunday after all.
I walked the garden and moved the mole deterrent to a different hillock and it appears to be doing nothing and in my humble opinion, it never has. While it continues to work I shall keep it in the garden but when the solar system packs up, I shall definitely not be replacing it. I noticed that other shrubs are having a second flowering, it had rained overnight and they definitely looked brighter for it especially the choisya and the prancing pink long stemmed beauties. I washed and dressed for the fete worse than death along the road. I used the car to head to the village and parked up by the cemetery, walking the rest of the way to the stalls and street food vendors. As for the bouncy castle, there was not that much bounce in it, I think they were having trouble connecting the air supply and it was blowing a gale so maybe they abandoned it.
There was a man sitting surrounded by fabulous crochet tops, jackets, gloves and he told me that his wife had made them and it reminded me that I'd washed a shawl this morning that my mother crocheted for me when I was twenty something which is definitely a long time ago and I treasure it. I snuggle into when the nights or mornings are cool and it's still fashionable. It brought back a memory of a couple of years ago of handing my daughter a reversible jacket that I'd made for her when she was about three years of age and again...that was a long time ago. Memories, memories, seem to be more of them the older I get.
So back to the fete. I saw people that I knew but not many villagers from my immediate village. I saw Mincho who was working for the council and had been responsible for putting down the wrestling mat and would be getting it up at the end of the day. I think he generally helped out erecting the stalls and tables and chairs for the street vendors and I left the street at this point and headed up to the old school area and the wrestling mat. Quite a few people were gathered and some of it was organised but several of the gypsies from outlying areas were challenging the officially entered contestants but weren't actually following the guidelines regarding age so some of the contests were very short lived. They only seemed to be up to sixteen years of age when in previous years they have had contestants from Turkey who were much older with a prize pot to go with it but this seems to have disappeared unless this happened after I'd left. I did bump into one of my neighbours who told me that I'd missed Bekir which was a shame....he might have driven down, noticed my car wasn't there and we'd missed each other. As I walked by the mosque I noticed that the gypsy horses were tied up waiting for riders but not much happening this year.....times move on.
Home for around three, made coffee, nibbled on a few biscuits and had a little rest.....the unsettled night was catching up with me. Not sure about supper tonight, I think I nibbled more biscuits that I'd care to tell you about so maybe a sandwich later. LN.....Hoping for a much better night with more peaceful adventures.....LN
Elsa Peters |
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Location: Mobile!
Monday 7th October
Slept well last night until six thirty, read for a while in bed, moved on to the chair in the window, didn't bother with coffee, thought I'd give it a break for a while. So far so good, none at all today. I made toast this morning, fed the cat and did the usual things but somehow didn't feel at peak performance and by ten I was on the sofa and could easily have drifted off to sleep, teetering on the brink but instead lay on the sofa watching Netflix until it was time to think about getting a lesson prepared for my student this afternoon.
As it happens I grabbed the book that we'd used last time, we had the second half to go through and took with me 'The Alchemist' but instead we talked through his physics paper from a test he'd sat today and somehow we on the subject of Ohm's Law, one that I'd had infused into me at Grammar School. We also talked about the two universal languages, music and mathematics and the lesson was well on its way to closure. His reading and understanding is very good so we spent around an hour just talking with me correcting his sentence structure and somehow we got on to the French language that I learnt at school and he asked how to ask him his name in French.so I did. I went on to say that I thought we were 'taught' at school and lots of practical with chemistry biology and physics in class, We had to copy down homework not photograph it like they do today. We did have the obligatory football knockaround despite him being in yesterday's game but he was very eager to tell me that he managed to score a goal and the team won four nill. We also had a little funny incident in the shop. In a very small fridge in the corner of the shop they have fishing worms that people buy that are kept in jars with screw lids. It appears that one of the lids wasn't tightened properly and a few had escaped the jar and the fridge and there was an interesting half hour collecting them up, changing the lid of one of the jars and fifteen minute checking to see if any were making a break for freedom. When I left at six thirty, all was quiet on the western front.
Quick stop at the supermarket on my way home mainly to fill up the goody box that was sadly lacking. As I pulled into the drive I noticed that there was a beautiful crescent moon with jet streams caught in the last rays of the sun so I made a dash inside to get the camera to see what I could managed to catch. Easy supper of tuna mayo sandwiches, photos going up on screen of the moon and I'll pick out the best. LN.....Nothing so far for tomorrow, let's see what the day brings.......LN
Elsa Peters |
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Location: Mobile!
Tuesday 8th October
So I guessed the time that I woke up and walked to the bathroom and I was spot on....ten minutes to seven...result. My internal clock is still working. It's a game I play, I'm normally close but this time spot on and feeling good. I also went to bed earlier last night and read for a while before I put my head on the pillow and maybe that's the solution to an undisturbed night and gentle waking. The sun was thinking about it and popped up a little later, meanwhile I went back to my book and read until eight with my first cup of coffee, got up and meandered around opening windows and the door to the balcony, it was promising to be a good day and it was. I was late feeding the cat, I found my way on to the computer downstairs and when I put the food down, it attacked it gently and I noticed later that there was still food remaining in the bowl. It must have gone to other benefactors of which there are probably lots and only topped up at mine. I did noticed that it had gone later in the day, I just hope that I've not encouraged more to join the clan.
I made a phone call to one of my old friends and another to her mobile and she didn't answer either. I tried a little later and again nothing so I emailed a mutual friend to see if there were any problem, he responded this evening to the email and said that he'd managed to get through to her and messaged him back to confirm that I would try later. The confusion lay that my first phone call had been using WhatsApp and since she hasn't got the app on her phone she'd tried that number and hadn't managed to get through. I know she's got my number on her mobile but she probably didn't think to check. I spoke to her a while ago and she's OK and updated me with the news which wasn't very good and has been faced with a decision to have an operation or not to and at the moment she's chosen not to......she wants to wait and see and I hope she doesn't leave it too long. We've been friends for over sixty years...we go back a long time and have really good memories that we still laugh about.
I did manage to get into the workshop this afternoon in the little house and take some weigela cuttings that I've brought into the porch to keep a check on them. I used the soil that the mole had dug up reducing some of its heeps but not my much. I aslo dup up the baby choisya that was growing in the long wall bed and realised that it was not from seed but a runner from the main plant and it had another really small one starting next to it and both were well rooted. I planted one in the front of the frog garden but had to dig up lots of lily of the valley roots to find a space for it and the second one has gone into the new garden near the long wall. It suddenly occurred to me that what was a very hot, long dry summer had produced some stunning second flowerings of shrubs and five yucca flowers, four in full bloom and one late one about to come into its first flowering. Autumn in bloom.
Fish finger sandwiches for supper tonight. I'd taken two chicken legs from the freezer this morning intending to do something with them but now they're in the fridge and could be destined for the slow cooker tomorrow or for the oven with roasted vegetables. I'll see how I feel in the morning, the slow cooker means that I don't have to think about it for the rest of the day but I have bought a beetroot and I do like that roasted with onions and potatoes...decisions, decisions. Eight my time and soon be time to put all technology to bed except the the television and the Kindle. LN......The clouds were gathering tonight but maybe they'll blow over.....another day like today would be appreciated.....LN
Elsa Peters |
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Location: Mobile!
Wednesday 9th October
Well that was interesting. My internet has just gone off and so I telephoned the company, I was asked my customer number which I couldn't lay my hands on, told him that I was the Anglechanka or English woman from Dushenkov and he immediately checked my account and said that I had to pay my account, the subscription was up. I know it's due in October but I have so many on recurring payments that I forgot that this one isn't so now I have to change it so that it is and will get my bank to pay it for me. The upshot is he restored the connection immediately and now I'm back in business, I shall go in and pay for the year tomorrow and see about setting up a standing order with the bank. Just a little better than the UK!!!
Cat didn't come this morning when I called so I put the food out and eventually she appeared around eleven, most of the food had gone but she was still crying for more so whether she's gone off the dry food and wants something else I don't know and since she won't come to me I'll never know if she has a problem. I did notice however when I was near the wall that I have another yukka that has put up a spike and is about to flower so that now six in total. The last two didn't flower in the spring so must have been saving themselves for the drama. For breakfast this morning I decided to cook the tomatoes in the microwave and it's the first and last time that I'll be doing that. I'd used the frying pan last night for fish fingers and hadn't washed it out so hence the workaround. They had no flavour, tasted really watery and even the pepper didn't flavour them up. It did spur me into action though, I remembered that I'd got chicken legs in the fridge so sliced up potatoes and put them in the bottom of the slow cooker, washed the chicken legs and put them on top of the potatoes, added sliced apple to the pot with a chicken stock cube and water and switched it on. Around four thirty I felt hungry so I'm one leg down with half of the potatoes and it went down well and that's when the issue with the internet started so it put a bit of a wet blanket on it......but all good now and the second leg will be consumed tonight.
I did do some gardening this afternoon. I finished putting stones round the new garden by the garage, hoed it over since a new lot of baby weeds had started and watered the shrubs that I've put in with a new beer concoction that I prepared yesterday to which I'd added chopped up banana skins, scrunched up egg shells and white vinegar and fingers crossed it's not going to be too strong for the newbies. So now I know what I'm doing tomorrow, paying my internet and so I might as well carry on to Kardjali and do a little food shopping and have a wonder round. I've not got as big list but that doesn't stop me looking. LN.....It's just amazing that I get such good treatment from an internet provider, they restore connection immediately and I can pay tomorrow......LN
Elsa Peters |
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Location: Mobile!
Thursday 10th October
Last night I was incredibly stupid and slaved over one Freecell until midnight and then common sense kicked it, I saved it until today and tackled it around five this evening. My head was buzzing mainly through frustration, I hate to be beaten and don't like just moving on to the next and forgetting all about it so I read for about fifteen minutes to clear my thoughts and put my head on the pillow...until twenty past two so I went back to my book until around three and fortunately went straight through until six. Back to my book until dawn was breaking in the eastern sky, where else would it be, and I was out with the camera on the balcony waiting for the drama to happen.
There was a very large dark cloud where the sun would be appearing and there was a vague hint of red in the sky. I went inside, it was a nippy morning until it got going and then went out again on to the balcony and it didn't disappoint. The sunrise doesn't last long, the clouds get very red and then the yellow tinge appears and in ten minutes it's all gone back to normal except that the clouds thin out with the heat from the sun and then it's still beautiful but in a different way. I love my mornings. I fed the cat only this time it had the bones and remains of the two chicken legs and potatoes that I hadn't managed to put away last night. It didn't balk at it, I noticed that there was still some dried food in the bowl from yesterday, perhaps it gets better picking elsewhere which is just as well with me going to England next week. I tidied the kitchen and washed up, had a shower and washed my hair, my mission today was to got into Djebel early and pay my internet bill for the year. I was at the cashpoint before nine, parked on the main car-park and noticed that there were some stalls set up, I think there's an event taking place over the weekend. It was a pleasant walk to the internet shop, paid up for the year and saw people that I knew on the walk back and had two invitations to have coffee which I refused. I'd not had breakfast and was saving that for when I got home. I stopped off at the car-parts shop and had half an hour with my student's mum and told her that I'd spent around two hours on a freecell and she just said why, I always move on to the next and we laughed.
Poached eggs on toast for breakfast, managed to do my saved freecell first time with no resets, messaged my student's mum to let her know and she sent me a big thumbs up....we're very supportive of each other even in my stupidity. A little Netflix this afternoon and I fell asleep which did me good, up on to the chair in my bedroom and read for the rest of the afternoon. I've not decided what's on the menu for tonight yet.....I'll see what going to be quickest when I open the freezer. LN......Almost eight my time, hunger bugs are nibbling, decision must be made.....LN
My Diary by Elsa Peters (only location)
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