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Elsa Peters living a new life in Bulgaria    General Boards    My Diary by Elsa Peters  ›  DECEMBER 2021
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Elsa Peters
December 10, 2021, 5:43pm Report to Moderator

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And one I missed

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Elsa Peters
December 11, 2021, 4:07pm Report to Moderator

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Saturday 11th December

Back to normal, four a.m. start, tried getting off again but the brain box was going ten to the dozen so gave up and started circulating at six more or less. I couldn't have a bath, I had one yesterday and didn't want to wash myself away.  Kept the home fires burning, toast for breakfast and started to count the presents for my ladies and somehow I kept getting it wrong so I settled down to a few episodes of the Crown, decided to watch Transponder and Google just couldn't find the link so I gave up and left it until this afternoon.  

At ten thirty I decided to head into Djebel to deliver the presents to both families, I dug my student's mum out of the shop and we drove to the house meeting father on the doorstep.  I was invited in for coffee but I'm staying away from people so back into the Nipper and off to the garage shop and the presents are now stashed away in the fishing shop....it's pretty slow at this time of year.  I then went on the hunt for purple knitting wool but the shop that I found was closed, the lady from the next shop phoned her up and unfortunately she was ill so even though I could see it in the window...no go so maybe if I get time on Monday and she's feeling better.  I stopped off and bought more lemons for my Avatar and delivered them later it he afternoon along with ice-cube trays in case she wanted to squeeze them and freeze the juice.....but she didn't.

The wind and rain has come back with a vengeance and I noticed that the honeysuckle over the bench on the main house terrace has been blown on to the garden and there looks like one of the legs has broken off.  It's not a job for today...too wet, too windy and much too heavy.  Eventually I settled down on the sofa and managed to get the TV to bring up the Channels and the musical Scrooge was showing which I hadn't seen before.  Firstly I put a chicken leg into the oven with potatoes and onions and also some honey roast potatoes that I'd got from Lidl.  It was ready around four so supper is over early and for pudding Avatar had made a thin light sponge that she'd covered in sugar syrup so I shall need nothing else until morning.

Just been out and filled up the log carrier and that wind has really got up again and it's chucking it down.  I'll be clearing out the leaves from the drainage pipes again in the morning.  Just to say that it's a good job that the temperature is holding up otherwise we'd be snowed in.  Strictly tonight so let's see who doesn't make it to the final.  I know who I would like to win but I think popular opinion might be flowing in another direction in a political mood...'nuff said'.   LN.....Time to clear the kitchen and snuggle up on the sofa with a blanket.....LN
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Elsa Peters
December 12, 2021, 9:59pm Report to Moderator

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Sunday 12th December

Very calm morning after the gale force winds last night and more lashing rain.  I was almost too frightened to go to sleep, there were howls coming from the windows where I should really get one of the window men out and make adjustments to the closing mechanism.  I thought about Avatar so popped over around nine and she was sweeping, mopping, and discovering what damage had been done.  The rain had come un under the window frames and the walls a little wet....it was such a driving rain that no one is unscathed.  I came back and had toast for breakfast, nothing fancy and then cleared out the fridge, another job off the list, brought in two log carriers brimming over with logs and they'll stay in the conservatory until I get back.  I ventured up the ladder in the little house and noticed that there was quite a lot of water on the upper floor and I can only think that the metal valley between the tow sections of the roof is not tall enough when the rain and wind is in that direction.

I'd  made my mind up that I was going to get my test sorted around three this afternoon and at two Avatar came round and asked if I would go down to the spring and get three bottles of spring water to last her until I get back.  I drove down and was surprised to see the water gushing from the pipes and as I tried to get the bottle underneath it splashed everywhere and I ended up with wet socks and jeans.  I came back and got changed and set off for Kardjali around three down the back lane.  I followed a big green van down there, it was very wet and at one point, my front wheel went into a hole and I thought I was stuffed,  Reverse did nothing so I stuck it into first, foot down hard and managed to extricate myself, got back on the tail, missed the ruts since I've got a narrow wheel base, the van peeled off right and I went left.  I parked up in Kardjali, there was no one waiting so went straight in, test completed, fifteen minutes for the result and I'm good to go and a linked certificate for my troubles.  Only one thing to do, my passenger locator form and what a bastard that was,  Before that I delivered a few Christmas presents and headed home, completed the form and added a scan of the result and eventually got the copy to take with me.

Strictly results and my two favourites sailed through to the final next week and the one that I didn't want to get through evaded relegation and I don't think they stand much chance of winning.  It will be a good battle next week,  Washing done and drying overnight, packing complete and only got the ladies presents to deliver tomorrow.  The Nipper definitely needs a good valet after I 'off roaded; it this afternoon.....I think the Beast is more suited to those sort of escapades. LN...It will get valeted inside and out while I'm in the UK.......LN
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Elsa Peters
December 13, 2021, 7:55pm Report to Moderator

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Monday 13th December

Normal early morning start, it was raining but as I went out to get the bonfire underway, it  turned  to sleet that eventually turned to snow covering the hillside. Breakfast was a frugal  affair and the rest of the bread went out to the animals, Black Cat was hanging around but didn't take a liking to the profiteroles but the magpies did.

Jobs all completed and at ten I  was going round the village with the rest of the presents, final 'bits'  to my Avatar and everything was going to plan except that  I noticed that the ice box of the fridge was full to bursting so it was out with the hairdryer and the ice went  out to the outside sink and all back to normal.  I managed to get the car to the garage on time, managed to get a lift into Kardjali, bus  on time but by now it was snowing heavily and it was a little late into Sofia.  I got off at the Metro station saw a taxi and my first instinct was to look for another but considering the weather, I took it and it cost me dearly.  I complained but it's no use,  sharks linger everywhere.  Hotel very comfortable, Green Pass to use the restaurant and now I'm stuffed to the gills.  Showered and hairwashed, ready for bed and awake for University Challenge.....how unusual.

Courtesy bus booked  for tomorrow,  fingers crossed that I negotiate the hoops.  LN.......I'll see you on the other side....LN
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Elsa Peters
December 14, 2021, 8:20pm Report to Moderator

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Tuesday 14th December

So I still didn't managed to see University Challenge, I was watching it on the little computer in bed and promptly fell asleep waking up when it was all over......I just don't have much success with this programme this year.  Off with the light. computer closed down. up out of bed with cramp at two and leaping around and back to sleep and woken up by a baby in the next room at five thirty.  We know how to live.  I put Transponder TV on and watched Hard Talk, down for breakfast at seven thirty and on the shuttle bus at nine thirty.  It didn't take long to the airport and it was deserted...more security guards around than passengers.  We were called to the desk and when we got there were told to go away and checkin didn't start until ten fifteen.  All documents were carefully inspected. mine were fine and good to go, through baggage check and what a performance that was.....belt, boots, liquids, computers and chargers and coats and at this point I was getting hacked off...too many trays to look after but eventually I regrouped, everything stowed where it came from and into passport control.

By this time it was snowing quite hard and we expected the aircraft to be late but it was early.  There were few passengers, lots of overhead locker room now that they've changed the system amd I changed seats to a completely empty row and stretched out.  I'd got two lads in the last row and they were able to stretch out too.  It was an uneventful flight and we arrived ahead of schedule and faced with the automated passport control I asked for help before I made a complete pig's ear of it and the same with the train tickets from the kiosks...and again I asked for help and got it.  Managed to get on the Brighton - Gatwick flyer, my lift was there to pick me up, covid test completed and in the post and now just waiting for the results.

Phone calls from both of the kiddiwinkles tonight, I've been checking out the clothes that I left here two years ago and I wonder why I brought so much stuff over.  Some that's here I don't even remember and I wonder why I ever purchased some of it.  Hopefully I should get the results of the PCR in an email tomorrow and then a family get-together at the weekend so I have to get my wallet out or my thinking cap on for presents.  Cards will get done tomorrow to get them out of the way.  LN.....Always something to do......LN

PS....Photos are still on the camera, need to download the program for taking the pixels out of them so that they're easier to post....I'll be doing that tomorrow....LN
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Elsa Peters
December 16, 2021, 12:37am Report to Moderator

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Wednesday 15th December

Very short tonight, I have been given the all clear so am out of isolation and can shop until I drop tomorrow.  I have cards to buy, to write and to post and firstly an address book to find.  Today has been a day for setting up other programs on this new computer I've been allocated and I had a lovely surprise this evening.  My grandson that I haven't see for about three years because of this plague that has descended on civilization, turned up on the door step.  

He's been four years in the military and he's tiurned out to be a fully grounded, rounded individual with solid ideas on where he wants to be and who he wants to be in life.  A beautiful evening with a beautiful young man.  We reminisced about holidays, ski-ing, cruises that he's been on in the Med., whale watching in Greenland and drinking Martin with ice from the glaciers.  We also did the slave markets in Zanzibar and a safari, visited schools where the children used bottle tops to learn to count and saw blue bottomed monkeys that would wreck rooms if you didn't keep the balcony doors closed.  There were thanks going both ways and he didn't leave until just after midnight.

No photos again, I'm really letting the side down and this has been a brilliant evening, getting to know my grandson again and what he has become.  LN...And another three weeks to go.....LN
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December 16, 2021, 3:19pm Report to Moderator

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How brilliant, all those memories with your grandson. Super, lovely, and all that! A good start to the holiday!
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Elsa Peters
December 16, 2021, 9:42pm Report to Moderator

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Thursday 16th December

So true Trervor, family is important.

Now this new computer can't seem to communicate and I'm trying lots of different things when I should be sitting down and watching tele.  I woke up at seven, and lingered in my bed until eight, bacon sandwich for breakfast and dropped a line to my grandson asking if he wanted to have lunch in town but didn't wait for a reply and set off for a walk down to the village.  I love the walk over the Downs down to the sea, along the undercliff walk and I took lots of photographs which now appear to be locked to the phone.  Don't you just hate technology, it moves too quickly for my little brain.

On my way up the steep climb to the Downs' walk my daughter phoned, she again had been caught out by technology and was intending to send my phone number to my grandson and instead got me.  I thought it was a mistake, she was in work, so said we would 'hug' later.  I carried on along the sea walk, stopped at the post office and bought cards and stamps, over to Tesco and a few food items, back to the village and wearily carried on home.  I settled for tuna mayo sandwiches and two chocolate eclairs, settled down for a post mealtime siesta and lo and behold at three there was a knock on the door and this time it was my daughter and grandson at the door and my daughter was demanding a 'mummy hug'.....she said that she needed it.  We are so much alike....love her to bits.

They stayed for around an hour and a half, we have the family pre-Christmas bash on Sunday and shopping in Eastbourne on Monday.  Brighton is out for shopping apparently....too many people not sticking to the Covid rules.  Off they went, no supper for me, still stuffed from my lunchtime dalliance and a block of Cadbury chocolate....it's so wrong but totally delicious.  Lidl shopping tomorrow, let the battle commence.  LN.....Another day of catching up and re-establishing relationships....LN....My baby will always be my baby......LN

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Elsa Peters
December 17, 2021, 9:35pm Report to Moderator

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Friday 17th December

So I woke up this morning on the sofa at four of the clock, couldn't understand why I was feeling leather underneath and very little coverage over me.  I'd nodded off and had been covered up like a babe in the woods but at four it was a different story.  I dragged my brain into gear, realised that bed was on the next floor, made it upstairs and snuggled down, awakening at seven and feeling top of the morning.  It's quite disorientating though....my own bed after two years.

I didn't bother with breakfast and really didn't do much until ten when I started my Christmas cards and finally managed to push my host into completing his since some had to be to mutual friends.  No need to send two at the cost of first class stamps over here.  They were all ready for posting around two this afternoon but with a little messing about it was four before we ventured out to the village post office and finally to Lidl.  He sat in the car while I went to the post office and when I was in one of the shops the other day, the note that I'd tried to pay with had been removed from service, she confirmed this and said that she would still take it and had a way of getting it back into the system.  Apparently not only was it old, it was very old but at least it's no longer my problem.

Lidl was heaving and not at all like the one in Kardjali.  Eventually we made it to the checkout, only one till operational and most people were opting for self-serve but we'd just got too much to put through.  We packed and were about to leave and I spotted a little fir tree in a pot so made my way to the self serve stopping an assistant on the way to show me what to do.  He did most of it for me and now I have my own little christmas tree and I'l looking for shiny balls and tinsel.  Yesterday's chicken was cooked and it was a quick supper without the trimmings, I've tidied the kitchen  and suddenly I'm no longer on holiday.  I've at last managed to download the program for taking the pixels out of the photos from my camera so let's see how we do.  LN.....Strictly tomorrow and I think I've picked the winner....LN

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Elsa Peters
December 18, 2021, 5:13pm Report to Moderator

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Saturday 18th December

So an early to sleep in front of the television clutching my bottle of water and apparently I looked so peaceful that he didn't wake me....the question was this morning 'did you spill any of it' and the answer was 'no'.  I made it upstairs still clutching the bottle, undressed and got to bed by midnight, woke up at four, started to read 'Calendars and Constellations of the Ancient World' and that put me out again until seven this morning.  I would certainly reccomend it for insomniacs.

Up and about before my host, washing in by seven thirty, ham sandwich and another bottle of water by eight thirty and then I was doing a final sort of Christmas cards and realised that I'd forgotten to post one to Gibraltar so I walked down to the village post office, called in to the charity shop on the High Street and bumped in to a lady that I'd met four years ago in her shop in the High Street.  Apparently her ears pricked up when I mentioned to the two assistants in the charity shop that I lived in a village in Bulgaria with Turkish neighbours so I asked her in Turkish how she was.  The two assistants were more confused when we started trading Turkish words and full of admiration that we were doing so well together.  I did make a couple of purchases namely a small handbag that will take my big Sony camera and a small leather purse.  I left the shop and took one of the back routes on to the Downs and walked back home adding greatly to my step count for the day.  

Decided to sort out issues with my bank cards and spent around an hour on to them, I also needed to transfer money into accounts for Christmas pressies....I'm not one for cash.  That done, I've now destroyed one card that was supersceded, affirmed that another one is still active, cancelled one and should be receiving a new one in the next few days.  Ducks in a row and all that.  Strictly final tonight and I'm still not sure why the one couple have pulled out leaving only two to battle it out.  Fingers crossed that the one that I picked from the start does the job and pulls the glitter ball.  

Family lunch tomorrow.....pre Christmas bash....I'm looking forward to having my lot together.  LN....Blow the expense...it's Christmas....LN

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My Diary by Elsa Peters (only location)

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