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Elsa Peters living a new life in Bulgaria    General Boards    My Diary by Elsa Peters  ›  DECEMBER 2021
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Elsa Peters
December 29, 2021, 6:06pm Report to Moderator

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Wednesday 29th December

Not going to be long tonight.  I am staying with my daughter tonight, I am in the guest room, eating chocolate watching television and waiting for her to come back from fat club....last of the year.

I had a super morning looking through old photographs, I have lost three pairs of boots to my daughter and have won a cardigan....exchange is no robbery.  

I promise I shall do better tomorrow and photos if the weather improves....I'm sure my feet are becoming webbed.  LN.....I think the wanderers have returned....LN

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Elsa Peters
December 30, 2021, 6:59pm Report to Moderator

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Thursday 30th December

Howling wind and dustbin lorry woke me up at six forty five this morning and considering that we didn't get to bed until just before two...not a lot of sleep was had.  At least my new Fitbit is recording the detail but still not sure that I made the right decision getting one since there are others in the market place.  The upside is that at least it shows me the time.

The rest of the house eventually came to life, l settled for toast for breakfast, my daughter was out for lunch so my grandson and myself babysat each other and caught up on the past.  Today we were going to go through more old photographs when she came back but it will have to wait.  There are just so many.

It's been another horrible day weatherwise and everyone is cosied in so I've decided to stay another night.  LN.....Lovely to spend time with them....LN
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Elsa Peters
December 31, 2021, 8:37pm Report to Moderator

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Friday 31st December

So last day of this year.  I saw that everyone is supposed to stand on the left leg so that you could put the right foot forward into the New Year but it will be what it will be.  Listening to my daughter completing a diary for one of her clubs and transferring details to the new book, it was when she started to talk about 'lockdown' and how clubs and meetings were closed and I don't think we every felt so restricted in Bulgaria.  Maybe it's because we didn't get so involved in weekly events...it just seemed worse here than there.  I think our restriction was that we couldn't get down to Greece and the beach for a day's visit to the markets.  We were however allowed to visit provided that we filled in the necessary paperwork so that the authorities could 'track and trace'.

I'm beginning to wonder what is on the horizon for next year?  I'm really not sure if the restrictions for entry into Bulgaria from the UK will be lifted.  Both children and families are planning to come, my daughter is off to a wedding in Crete and there are more trips planned.  Will they happen?  We were talking about the flu outbreaks in previous years, was danger to life lesser or greater?  And how long will face masks be in operation?  Society has changed, life has changed, it seems to open up and then bang.  So everything crossed that my family plans come to fruition and so do other peoples, it's going to be a bummer of a year if things don't improve.

So the fireworks have started going off so the prelude to the New Year has started.  I might stay up to watch it arrive but I'll more than likely be tucked up in my old bed here snuggling down with Elias, my new soft toy from my grandson but minus the mictowave pack that fits into its tummy.  I think that's coming into its own in Bulgaria when the woodburner has gone out and I'm too lazy to light it.  My packing will get done tomorrow, I've organised my taxi to take me for the airport and now into departure mode with just a few days to go.  It's not been good weather here this year so no lovely walks over the Downs to the sea, it's been rain, winds and more rain and winds and only one trip into Brighton and that was deserted.

Just a wish that we get back to some sort of normal.  May the vaccinated keep protecting those that don't believe that it does any good and just to confirm to the non-believers that I still haven't started growning horns. I promise to keep wearing my mask to protect the selfish ones that still believe that there's no threat.  LN....Happy New Year everyone.....LN  

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My Diary by Elsa Peters (only location)

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