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Elsa Peters
March 1, 2022, 7:35pm Report to Moderator

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Tuesday 1st March

So seven o'clock start and by nine this morning I'd done all the usual chores, fire going well, bacon and egg breakfast enjoyed while I watched the birds pecking up the newly delivered seeds.  I'd had trouble with my Kindle last night in that it wouldn't shut down so I checked out the internet and decided what action to take.  Overnight I'd left it without a charging cable, the battery was flat so I put it on charge again and after two hours I managed to switch it on and everything was back to normal.  I'm not sure what caused it but at least I know the solution going forward.

I settled at the computer and started to check out a few loose ends with my family chart and yet again I started to see if I could get a lead to confirm my Canada breakaway group...and still no joy, in fact not even a glimmer.  One day I'll fall on it, but not today.  I prepared a text for my student and sorted out the present for my student's sister's baby who is one today and intended delivering it to grandma's house after my lesson.

I drove into Djebel for three and my student had just arrived from school.  I normally have to wait while he gets sorted but this time I told him that I wanted to start the lesson more or less straightaway just in case snow arrived later.  I sat down to chat with his mother and she gave me a baba Marta band and I said that she was a day early since I thought it was the 29th February.  She looked oddly at me and said that it was definitely the first and i realised that the old calendar that I'd brought back from the UK was wrong.  The days and dates were correct up until now, but leap years are every four years and the calendar was eight years old....it was obsolete as of now.  I accepted the band and my student gave me another one that he put on my wrist.  I hadn't got any with me so I'd have to sort it before I went home.

We had the lesson and I was there for about two hours and he just wanted to talk.  For a small boy he has remarkable knowledge on day to day topics.  I suppose I give him the opportunity to give his take on subjects without any criticism.  I think that using the technology that is available today, they look at things that maybe they shouldn't and maybe my role is to offer an opinion that puts things into perspective.  He's concerned about the war in Ukraine and it makes me wonder how many more children are.  Watching interviews with children who are now orphaned has got to affect youngsters.  So from the shop into the supermarket and I bought wrist bands for my family, went back to the shop and handed them over.  So into the Nipper and over to my other student's home, the light was on but there was no one at home.  It's the first grand-daughter's birthday today so I shall have to pop the present round at another time.

I arrived home by six thirty and so far so good, no snow has arrived yet.  I lit the fire, drew the curtains, reheated the bolognaise sauce and pasta left over from yesterday and that was my supper sorted. The fire is at last warming the house up, with a forecast of minus seven tonight, I better throw another log on.  LN....Round the village tomorrow with baba Marta bands for my ladies......LN

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Elsa Peters
March 2, 2022, 3:56pm Report to Moderator

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Wednesday 2nd March

I woke at five and felt much better than I've felt for a while.  I sudokued until seven, attacked the kitchen, fed the birds and waited for them to arrive to take a few pickies.  The noisy jays were waiting in the wild plum tree, well apart from each other and they eventually descended but the one was determined to chase the other off.  There's plenty for both of them but I suppose when there's not much food around, they think they have to protect their own ends.  I put a load of washing in, it was going to be a much better day and there was a fair wind blowing so everything pegged securely.  Toast for breakfast and the bird food was supplemented by the very thin pasta that I'd cooked in error but they weren't interested and neither were the cats so it's over the wall.  

I pegged the washing out and put my boots on and headed over to Avatar's house.  I decided to walk round the village and hand out the Baba Marta bands and her house was the first port of call.  She invited me in, I put the band on her wrist, sat down for a while and then told her I was off round the village to see the other ladies.  She elected to come with me for a little walk, I think we've all been holed up because of the snow.  We walked down to Zelinger's house and where I would knock and wait, she walked in so I followed and into the bedroom come lounge where she has the woodburner going.  It's very hot inside this room but as soon as the door to the rest of the house is open, boy is it cold.  The ladies had gathered, Haciber was sitting on the floor and Beyser on the bed so while I had a captive audience I handed the bands out to the three of them.  I'd picked bands that had the blue and white eye on them for protection and thought it was appropriate and they were thrilled to receive them....they feel that some one cares.  They've all got children but don't get visited very often...some of the families live in Turkey and Covid has made things difficult.  I was offered fluffy pancakes and coffee but since it was only eleven fifteen it was too soon after my breakfast so neither Avatar and myself wanted any so we left them to it.  

Avatar went back to her house and I carried on to mine, collected the washing from the line since it was soon dry enough to bring into the house and put on the airer in the bathroom and is probably ready to put away.  I filled up the log containers and the log basket and finished off with a bonfire to get rid of the household rubbish.  All my chores done I settled down to Netflix and my programme, had a little snooze, replayed the last session that I'd slept through and at three turned over to Steph's Lunchbox and Countdown.  

The clouds are gathering  but the sun on the mountains this evening was really beautiful.  The temperature is really dropping and that wind has a heck of a chill factor but as for the woodburner, it just didn't want to warm up this evening had I had to coax the flames out of it, the wind is just in the wrong direction.  So now I'm kitchen bound..,,,haven't a clue what to make for supper.  LN....I'm sure I can find something.....LN

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Elsa Peters
March 3, 2022, 5:22pm Report to Moderator

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Thursday 3rd March

So another early start for me and at five thirty I was lighting the big petchka and when I was sweeping up the debris from emptying the ask can I noticed that there was water on the floor.  I'd spotted what appeared to be dried water the day before but thought nothing of it but now it was time to investigate.  The floor was very wet so now it was time to empty the burner which had now started to catch.  I brought in the big metal bucket that had been on standby in case we lost electricity and I had to jump to pretty quickly and first emptied out the kindling and the put it in the burner of the little petchka in the kitchen.  I prepared by taking everything from the top of it so that it was ready to receive the burning wood, there was smoke everywhere and now I had to remove the large log that I'd put in to last me the day.  I'd had to maneuver it into the petchka and now I had to maneuver it out and again into the bucket so that went straight outside to go out in its own time...it was minus three so it didn't take too long.  I cleaned the back of the woodburner and mopped up the water, investigated the position of the leak and took a photo of the offending pipework and it was an elbow from the thermostat and the water inlet pipe.  I took photos, emailed the company who I thought would be able to fix it and eventually phoned them at ten o'clock to be told that it was a holiday today so nothing doing.  To catch the water I put in a metal bowl and the only annoyance is that I have to keep emptying it but better than a wet floor.  I phoned Bekir and for some reason his phone wasn't working and eventually he phoned me back at six this evening and I'm picking him up at eight thirty at his village.

The rest of the day has been quite uneventful.  I made a bacon sandwich for breakfast and put a curry in the slow cooker and my next job is to boil the rice for supper.  I'm hoping that Bekir can fix it, it should be quite straightforward but we'll see.  Television for the rest of the day fluctuating between Netflix and Countdown.  It's not so cold tonight, I've kept the little woodburner topped up and it gives some warmth to the rest of the house.  LN.....Time for the rice to go on.....LN

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Elsa Peters
March 4, 2022, 5:33pm Report to Moderator

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Friday 4th March

Up out of bed by six thirty this morning after going to bed at ten last night.  Without the woodburner it was a little cold in the house, I did have a pork curry for supper that had been in the slow cooker day and I sat in the lounge after struggling making the rice as near to 'fluffy' as I could manage, and ate every bit of it.  I'd kept the little woodburner going all day and it did its best but not quite good enough to replace the biggie.  

So last night I'd put a new tall jug in place of the metal bowl so it didn't hear the water drip into it and first thing I checked it and it was about half full so I emptied it and put it back under the drip.  I didn't bother with coffee and left the house at seven forty five to pick him up from his village.  I wasn't sure of the condition of the roads, we'd had snow and cold nights so I took the lane through Velikdenche thinking this would be the best option and carried on the main road to Greece until I came to the rough road to Bekir's village.  I took it very slowly, it was muddy and very slippery but I managed it and was there ten minutes early and he was ready to get into the chariot and away.  We took a different road to the Greek road through another village, it was very twisty but in much better condition that the one I'd used earlier and we were soon on our way to Kardjali to get the parts needed for the repair.  We found the shop, picked up the parts and new binding tape and the total was just under seven lev, carried on to Lidl carpark so that I could buy new printer cartridges and had a very interesting discussion with an English speaker about joining the HP cartridge off where you take out a cartridge and they send you a delivery to your door.  The cost is only between two and six lev and I'm going to investigate the offer tomorrow.

Back home and Bekir tightened the fixing of the elbow to the main water pipe supplying the pump and it was fixed and I could have done it but I wasn't sure if that was the only problem,  Job done in two minutes, he also cleaned the plastic pipe on the boiler that shows me if the system needs a water top up and we'd finished as well as having a coffee by eleven thirty.  Before we left I messaged my friends in Fotinovo to see if it was OK to call in after I'd taken Bekir home and he said that it was but that he would prefer to see Bekir to fix a single wonky roof tile for him.  I checked it with Bekir and he said that was OK but after investigation, Bekir is going back on Monday to do a proper job on it.  My friend took Bekir home saying that it was the least he could do after I'd set up a solution to a problem and I stayed for lunch and was home for around three thirty.  I parked up and the first visitor was Haciber with mevlit goodies from one of the villagers and not long afterwards more gifts from the daughter of my lady at the bottom of the village.  No supper for me tonight, I had a good lunch, the fire is going well and at last the house is the temperature that I like it.  It's started raining and it's supposed to turn to sleet and then snow tonight so it might be white over again.  I think it's a day for getting holed up by the fire.  LN....That's the beauty of winter.....LN

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Elsa Peters
March 5, 2022, 6:52pm Report to Moderator

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Saturday 5th March

Five thirty start and no nap this afternoon......now there's a first.  I stayed in bed playing Sudoku until I started my day with a fire, it was a cold damp morning.  I checked emails and FB and I am getting really tired of 'you'll like to see this' and my ancestry company are sending me hints for people who are already in my family tree.  I've got the right people with the right relatives with the correct dates and they still keep sending 'hints'......six over the last two days....desist.

Washing up by seven thirty, washed and dressed by eight and Netflix on by eight thirty.  Unfortunately I've finished my series so I decided to check when the next one is due to be released and it's on the ninth of March and I feel a binge coming on.  I payed my home phone bill just to stop the messages that they send with a very annoying ring tone, I fed the birds and took a few pickies but the rest of the day has been pretty slow.  I had a touch of the munchies so made toast and a dish of tuna mayo and sat at the table in the stairwell to eat it, washed up the dishes and then I worked on the mini carpet and for about an hour or so actual pegging and another thirty minutes cutting up the wool for the next onslaught.

At five I got the urge to cook egg and chips for supper, peeled a potato and put fresh oil in the saucepan guessing that the original chip pan contained old oil so I emptied the oil into a glass bottle and decided to clean out the chip pan.  I took a brillo pad to it and it really didn't take too long, it was only old oil not dirty oil.  After cleaning it out I transferred the oil from the saucepan to the chip pan and supper was underway.  I can't remember the last time I made chips, it must have been a year or so ago but they were delicious.  The oil could have been a little deeper in the pan but they were OK, browned up nicely and then fried a couple of eggs to have with them.  My vision of dippy eggs went out of the window, I left them in the frying pan for too long so I took the yellows out and the whites are for the birds tomorrow.

Just after eight thirty my time and where has the evening gone?  I shan't be too late for my bed, I'm feeling lethargic....too wet to go out and sort the garden and the inclination wasn't there.  LN.....I need a good night's sleep.....LN

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Elsa Peters
March 6, 2022, 5:46pm Report to Moderator

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Sunday 6th March

First awakening this morning at six thirty and I decided to rest my weary head once again and it was almost eight when I decided to face the world.  So I was into my normal routine, ashes sorted, fire lit, coffee, washed and dressed and it was sleeting this morning but nothing was sticking on the terraces.  I filled up the log basket so thought had enough for the day but at ten thirty Avatar was at my window checking to see if I wanted milk or did I want her to make me some yogurt.  I settled for the mild, decided to fill up two log carriers, the sleet was turning to snow and then I went over to her house to collect the milk that was still warm after she'd brought it up to temperature to kill the bugs.  We sat talking for a while and then she had a telephone call come through so I made a rapid exit telling her that I'd be making supper tonight for both of us.
I pulled a couple of chicken legs from the freezer and a packet of puff pastry from the fridge and deiced to make a pudding for tonight.  

I went up to the computer on the landing and found a recipe for apples and cinnamon with brown sugar for the sauce and the idea was to case them in the puff pastry, a little like a strudel but not quite.  I sat for about an hour or so working on my mini-carpet and watching television on my little computer and all was well in my part of the world.  The snow got heavier and the flakes much bigger but still nothing was sticking on the terraces but with the temperature dropping as we speak and more snow supposed to fall tonight, it could all change.  I was planning on going into Djebel tomorrow, I want mince meat from my sheep farmer's shop and flowers for my ladies for International Women's day on the eighth.  At the moment it all depends on the weather...in the lap of the gods so to speak.

I made the filling for the pastry using sweet apples and muscovado sugar since I didn't have any ordinary brown sugar, filled up the puff pastry and put the lid on it and into the oven it went.  Pudding out and at three fifteen the chicken went in with the potatoes and onions and between events in the kitchen I was still working on my carpet.  I was surprised by a telephone call from the UK from one of my dear friends for a catch-up and I followed it up with a message on Messenger, she'd tried to find me and couldn't so now communications are established once more.

Supper finished and delivered at five fifteen to Avatar, by now the snow was falling heavily so I didn't stay long.  I'd popped my supper back in the oven and that was a wrong move, my potatoes were 'well cooked' and 'very crispy'.  Pudding was delicious and had it with 'squirty' cream, washing up done and dusted and just as I was sitting down to start the blog, yet another telephone call for a catch-up.  So tomorrow is weather dependent, Avatar wants to go into Djebel and visit the cash machine but I've suggested that Wednesday or Thursday might be a better bed.....the world and all it's friends will be pulling pensions from the cash points on market day on Monday.  There probably won't be any left.

Peaky Blinders tonight and let's hope the electricity stays up this week.  Last week it failed me but didn't stay off for long so hoping everything is good for tonight.  LN....Winter is still hanging about.....LN

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Elsa Peters
March 7, 2022, 5:01pm Report to Moderator

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Monday 7th March

So the snow set in overnight but it had stopped this morning.  It was wet sloppy stuff and the temperature had only dropped to minus one and it was melting despite the low grey clouds that promised more snow but didn't delivery.  I'd woken up at silly o'clock and no way could I get off again so ended up playing sudoku, I did brave it outside, cleared the snow from the feeding stone and topped up the heap but the tits seemed to go for the hanging nets from the bird table.  I lit the fire, cleared up the kitchen, made bacon and egg for breakfast and sat at the table in the stairwell enjoying it and watching the birds.  

I was unsure what to do this morning, the road was very slushy but I was unsure if there was any ice underneath it.  I sat working on my mini-mat for a while with the television working away and I really thing that Breakfast television asks questions that they really shouldn't when there is the likelihood of a third world war about to start.  Loose words take lives.  Not got the brains that they're born with.

So at eleven I cleared the snow from the Nipper, checked with Avatar what she needed and all she wanted were clemantines, she likes her vitamin C update each day.  I put my heavy boots on in case I ended up in a ditch and my thick jacket but by now the temperature was rising and the sun was breaking though by the time I got to Djebel.  First stop was the cash point but as I suspected and predicted, the machine was empty and a queue was forming so I moved on to the next on the list.  I found flowers in my little wool shop and bought enough primulas for the ladies, one sun daisy for my student's mum and trailing geranium from the red cross counter in the square.  I checked on the seed stall on the market and found Nicotina  and the lady recognised me from Benkovski market from a few years ago.  Over to deliver the first geranium for my other student's mum, I offered her one of the seed packet but she said that she would only kill them so I offered to grow them for her and they'll go in tomorrow.  I was making my deliveries early, we're supposed to have more snow overnight and tomorrow so I'm getting prepared.  I did stop off at the market and bought a pomegranate tree and last stop was the supermarket for bread and the clemantines and home.  

I unpacked the car, delivered the clemantines. relit the fire and sat down with a coffee watching a Netflix film and then found a new series that was recommended this morning on FB,  Every thing is weather dependent tomorrow except walking round the village delivering to my ladies.  I might even abandon the lesson for tomorrow it it's snowing.  LN.....International Women's Day......LN

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Elsa Peters
March 8, 2022, 5:41pm Report to Moderator

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Tuesday 8th March

So the snow that was forecast didn't turn up but it's been bitterly cold all day.  I slept well and was out f bed by six thirty but didn't do much this morning.  I did put a load of washing in ad that's on the airer in the bathroom and should be ready to put away any time soon.  Yesterday the lightbulb in the winter lounge went bang so one of today's jobs was to change it for a new one so taking the ladder from the conservatory I took stance under the light and headed upwards trying not to look up.  The glass covering the lightbulb is held in place by three screw and removing two allows the glass and the bulb to be removed.  Lid off, bulb out, new bulb in, glass under the first screw, the second screw with maneuvering went in and the third screw was a real problem but eventually I got there.   Step ladder went back where it came from and no damage had been done to all those that took part....thankfully.  By this time for some reason unknown to myself or the medical profession, I'd noticed that my bottom lip had swollen up again so in the next few days I think I need another trip to the doctor.

Buttered toast for breakfast and then I took up stance in the lounge watching the series that had been recommended.  I hadn't bothered to get dressed, was snugged up in my red reindeer dressing gown and there was a ding-dong from the radio controlled doorbell that I'd given to my Avatar and she'd brought round my dish with a cheesy bread that she'd bought from the bread-van.  She noticed the flowers that I'd bought yesterday in the conservatory so I gave her the choice of colours, it was damp out, slightly snowing and didn't want to come in so I didn't keep her long and then she was on her way.  I washed and dressed through shame put some fancy paper round the rest of the flower pots...I was off round the village to hand out the flowers to my ladies.  As I headed up the road, Avatar stopped me and told me that Zelinger was not well so not to bother going in.  She'd tried it earlier and had decided to to go in the house so I didn't.  I dropped off first at Haciber's house, she' heard me talking to Avatar and was soon out to see what was happening so she had hers first and then on to Beyser.  Further down the road and I saw one of my other neighbours pushing a wheelbarrow and one of the plants was meant for her mother.  She chose the one that she wanted, took another one that she was handing over to another neighbour and I finished off at Zelinger's house, handed the final offering to her and started to walk home.  Passing Avatar's house she invited me in so in I went and we chatted for a while and home James and on to stoking up the woodburner...that wind was cruel.

This afternoon kept the home fires burning and sat at the table in the stairwell and worked steadily on my mini-Axminster.....and I'm nearly finished with the surrounds and then I can concentrate on the middle pattern.  I did managed to get out to the little house and put some sunflower seeds in compost, I'd tried to start them off in damp kitchen paper but no signs of life so back to the drawing board Cecil.  I'm pleased to see that the cornflowers have germinated and tomorrow the nicotina seeds go in.

Beans on toast for supper, the washing up can wait until tomorrow and forgot to mention that I cancelled my student for today...the lip was just too embarrassing.  LN...Another annual event celebrated with flowers for my ladies...I know they appreciate it......LN
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Elsa Peters
March 9, 2022, 4:34pm Report to Moderator

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Wednesday 9th March

Funny night last night.  I'd watched Netflix and woke up at twelve having slept through the last episode of the series I was watching and switched off and went to bed.  I was straight to sleep and didn't wake until seven this morning, lit the fire and then thought that I'd made a mistake, the sun was up.  The thermometer was showing minus one outside, there was a little wind whipping around so I just got on with my morning and made bacon and egg and warmed up the cheesy bread that I hadn't finished for the day before.  I washed and dressed, got settled in the stairwell and carried on with my mini-mat and managed to finish the one section of the taupe colour and have only half of the rest of the white to finish leaving the centre which to date needs designing.  I moved into the lounge and managed to find my series again and went back two episodes to see what I'd slept though, the fire was ticking along beautifully.  After watching the end of the series, I'm still not sure what I missed but I've got the feeling that it's going to be continued in series two so it could go in any direction.

I topped up the log basket and went out to the workshop and wood store to fill up two log carriers, one from the old wood and the other from the last lot purchased.  I decided to have a bonfire but that wind was evil and we had snow showers so I came in again....it could wait.  Eventually by around three the sun came out and we had blue sky so I headed down to the bottom of the garden with the household rubbish and got the fire going.  I went back to the little house and found the saw, I'd noticed that the wind had broken a fair slzed branch from a tree near the workshop terrace so I took it off and dragged it down to the burning drum.  I cleared most of the side branches from it but at this point we were having snow showers, it was very windy and cold so I put the tools away, locked up and went  inside just minutes before it started in earnest, it was blizzarding and it was soon white over.  The snow's stopped, it's still white over but the temperature is supposed to go down to minus five tonight so it could be very icy in the morning.  

Time to pay a visit to the kitchen, I've yet to decide on something for supper.  LN.....Time to throw a log on......LN

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Elsa Peters
March 10, 2022, 4:44pm Report to Moderator

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Thursday 10th March

I was in bed by eleven last night after searching for the release of the next season of The Last  Kingdom and having found it rationed myself to one episode and then bed.  I slept really well, it was seven when I woke up and the sun was shining, completely white over, minus five outside but the house temperature rose up really quickly with the sun out.  I washed and dressed and was about to settle for toast when I remembered that I had half a can of beans in the fridge so thought that they could be added to so I found a packet of bacon in the freezer, half in the microwave and the rest in the fridge for tomorrow.  Into the frying pan with it, cracked an egg and then threw the half can of beans in the pan as well. Bread to fill it out and that was my breakfast sorted.

I went upstairs to check emails and suddenly there was Avatar on the terrace tapping with her stick.  I went down and she moved from the porch door to half way across the yard.  I've mentioned that I delivered Zelinger's ladies day plant and dropped it in the hall not lingering long since she was showing flue like symptoms.  According to Avatar. both Beyser and Zelinger have Covid like flu. sons have been informed and apparently the police came down this morning to warn everyone.  The are still at home, no one's been taken to the hospital and Avatar also told me where her key to the house was just in case.  She is worried to death that she's might have contracted it and of course, no one in my village believes that it exist, no one has been jabbed and not a mask in sight.  Guest arrive from Turkey and everyone visits....this cookie prefers solitude.  I didn't bother taking a test although I have some in the house, I'll just keep on keeping myself to myself...even Avatar is out of bounds for the moment.

I moved the tv into the winter lounge today, the wind was whistling round the terraces so I shut up the rest of the house, worked at the table in the stairwell in the sun.  That's the nice thing about WIFI tv, it can be anywhere.  I rationed myself to  one more episode of TLK and then the little computer has been churning out various programmes while I've worked on my mini-mat.

Tuna mayo and potato salad for supper tonight, it's nice and easy to prepare.  I've been invited over to my student's house for supper on Saturday but I'm going to give it a miss....I don't want to take more to the house that just a birthday present for the little one.  LN.....Time to close the curtains and shut out the world......LN

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