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Elsa Peters living a new life in Bulgaria    General Boards    My Diary by Elsa Peters  ›  MARCH 2022
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Elsa Peters
March 31, 2022, 4:02pm Report to Moderator

Diary Admin
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Location: Mobile!
Thursday 31st March

A dull old morning, lots of wind in the night, that's the weather not me and it's remained the same all day.  I was out of bed by six, hot water and sudoku, up and at 'em at seven, washed and dressed for town.  Breakfast this morning was buttered toast and I was putting on my make-up or rather eye shadow at seven thirty and more or less ready to go by eight.  I felt it was a little early so I put breakfast tv on and got the Nipper out of the yard by nine and on the road by nine ten.  I'd noticed yesterday that I'd had a call from the Posta, I knew that she had something for me since I was still expecting a birthday card and a Mother's day card from my daughter.  I drove to the post office in the village on the main road and the posta hadn't arrived at twenty past the hour so I set off back to the main road and I met her on the junction so I turned round and followed her to the post office.  She opened up shop, I followed her in and I had three, two cards and one letter from the pensions people and a form to fill in to confirm that I'm still alive.  It has to be countersigned by a 'qualified person' confirming that I'm still breathing.

I carried on to  Kardjali and my first stop was Kaufland where I bought more flowers and a fir tree and more potting compost that was on offer.  I was toying with the furniture warehouse but since I was in the Nipper I reckoned that I would probably spot something and have to go back to get in so instead went into Lidl and did a fair shop including giant water bottles since the one in the kitchen gave up the ghost this morning.  I stopped for gas and it cost me forty leva to fill up, the price has really gone up, drove on to Djebel and to the little supermarket and bought more chicken legs for Avatar and myself.  Parked up outside and delivered the chicken legs and since they were only three leva and she gave me eggs I call it quits.  She doesn't but that's a discussion for another day.  Unpacked the car and put the shopping away and the chicken legs in the freezer, lit the fire and settled down to Netflix, a new series and I watch around four of the episodes.  Cheese and biscuits at five so maybe it will be like last night and I'll forego supper.

Seven my time, the serious gusty wind seems to have dissipated and now we just have a steady flow.  LN......Just realised that that's another month gone......LN

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My Diary by Elsa Peters (only location)

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